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"Oh my God, Esme that was the best anti-pasta I have ever had!" I said as I leaned back into the stool. Esme and Carlisle let out a laugh.

"Thank you Amelia." Esme had said

"Please, call me Mia." I said and she had nodded

"I'm going to show Mia the rest of the house." Eddie said

"Alright, well it's been very nice meeting you." Carslie smiled

"Hopefully we'll be seeing more of you soon." Esme had said, I sent them both a wave as I followed Eddie


"That... that is a lot of graduation caps, I get it, but wow that is a lot." I marveled looking at all the different colored caps.

"We do move every couple years. The younger we start out-"

"The longer you can stay in a place." Eddie nodded once I had said this and we continued up the stairs Eddie pointing out who's room was who. "Kyle and Bella have been quite for a while, did they leave?"

"Yeah, they did. They went for a walk." I had nodded once Eddie had said this.  When we had reached the end of the hallway on the second floor Eddie had opened a door.  "This is my room"

"I think you have more music than I do Eddie." I said smiling  before noticing there was no bed. "Do you guys not sleep?"


"That's gotta suck. " Eddie laughed after I had said that. "What's your favorite music era?"

"Hm, it'd have to be the eighteen-nineties. Yours?"

"Even though you know I like rock, I'd have to say the nineteen-forties. Hearing the big band music and the new style of dancing. That was amazing, being in that war though, D-Day was terrifying. Even though I new that my brothers and I weren't going to die. Seeing people that we got to somewhat know fall.... There's no words for it." 

"How were you able to get into all the wars?"

"Victor was very, um, persuasive."

"That doesn't sound like a good thing."

"Not when it comes to Victor no, he loves the hunt. Logan and I were getting tired of it. After one more mission he and I left. We went back to Canada, tried to start over. That peacefulness we had only lasted a decade." I was looking at the music Eddie had and saw a Glenn Miller vinyl. A small smile came on my face when I saw that. I had snuck away from my brothers one night before we were supposed to leave and went to a dance club. That was probably one of the best nights I had since the before the civil war.

"Do you want to dance to it?" Eddie had asked

"Maybe next time. You may have me beat with music, but I have more journals than you do."

"How often do you write?"

"Only when the nights get really bad... Which happens a lot." Eddie had brought me into a hug, which surprised me at first. He was cold, but I eventually hugged him back. Maybe, just maybe things will work out this time around.

 Maybe, just maybe things will work out this time around

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