Butterfly Fly Away

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ok rewriting this entire story hope you all like it. None of this story is edited yet :)


The small butterfly moves as though unburdened by the world of desire -Haiku by Kobayashi Issa

When Evelyn was a little girl she always wished for something more than her life. She always wanted what she could not have, like a caring mother or her father back from the dead, but no she was given what she had, and as a result of her unhappiness Evelyn withdrew from the world.  She let everything around her fade away until she was the only one in her own little world.  The only thing she would let in was nature.

Evelyn's friends were the woodland creatures, her siblings the elements, and her parents were Father Time and Mother Nature.  Every chance she got she would go to forest, which was not very  hard considering the fact her and her mother  lived on the edge of the forest.  Which just made it easier for people to cast her out, and they did just that when her father died, and Evelyn believed she deserved it completely.

            She was six years old when she first witnessed deaths grasp on humanity, and she was six years old when her mother gave up caring about her. Evelyn did not understand why at first but when the men in uniforms that matched her father's, she was able to tell her father would not be coming home.

            Her father had joined the military when she was only four. He was gone for six months that year for something he called training.  He came back for three months only to be sent across sees and stationed in Afghanistan shortly later.  According to the men that came to Evelyn's home her father was shot and on her sixth birthday, just seven days ago.

            When she heard those words fall from the men's lips her world was forever changed.  Her mother was screaming behind her, but to Evelyn it was muted noise. Her body had gone cold and the world stopped. Evelyn wanted to scream, but her voice was lost. She wanted to cry, but the tears wouldn't come. She knew that one of the men, the shorter of the two, was consoling her mother and the other stood in front of her.

            He didn't move to comfort her, didn't try to say anything, he just watched until Evelyn fell to the ground with grief. Then the man picked the small girl up in his arms then sat on her mother's worn sofa. Evelyn buried her face in his shoulder and finally the tears began to fall. The man just held her close, letting her shed her grief and whispered in her ear. "There now little one, you're ok. It's going to be alright."

            Evelyn didn't respond, she simply shed her grief. Her mother must have realized Evelyn was crying because she sent the men away and as soon as they were gone turned on her six year old daughter.

"You stupid brat!" She shouted, "You have no right to cry for that man! You didn't love him, you didn't care about him! He is dead because of you!" Evelyn's mother scream, tears of anger streaming down her cheeks.

Evelyn didn't know what to say, "B-but mama!" She stuttered.

"Don't call me that Evelyn, you are no child of mine!"

            Evelyn didn't respond she just stared at her mother. For a six year old she understood more than most and she knew she was disowned.  She knew her mother had just forsaken her, she knew that she would not live a normal life. Knew that the name Evelyn Renee Jones would bring her sorrow and pain till the end of her life. Evelyn also knew that nothing would be the same.

            "Evelyn!" She heard her mother scream, "Did you hear a word I just said?"

            Evelyn shook her head, "No mama."

            "I am no longer your mother you ungrateful beast. You will address me as Sara and you will listen to everything I say." Evelyn nodded, "So when you were so rude as to not listen to me, I was saying you will be moving rooms. You are going in the attack and you will not tell a soul. You will not have friends and you are not to attend a public school." Evelyn again nodded as her mother continued, "As much as I wish it were not true, you are still my child," she spit the word, "And I will not have my child in public schools, you will be attending a private school from here on out. You will be walking to and from school, and when you get home you will go straight to your room and do your work. I do not want to see you more than I have to. Now go pack your stuff and move it to the attic."

            As Evelyn moved to do so her mother called once more, "Oh and Evelyn you will have a nanny till you turn 10. By then you should be able to care for yourself." Evelyn nodded and headed for her room.

            When she got to her she let herself cry. Allowed her tears to flow freely down her face. Her young age meant nothing anymore, Evelyn realized. She had to grow up and be the adult her father wanted her to be.

            As she started packing she found a picture her father had bought for her. It was of a small girl releasing butterflies from a glass jar. At this point Evelyn wanted to be one of those butterflies. She wanted to fly away from her problems, but she knew she could not. She had to be a big girl about this and listen to her mother. She had to continue living, continue being strong.

            She was just a caterpillar, she had to grow to become free.

Authors note: Alright a new beginning to a story a know many of you have enjoyed. I hope you all like the changes and I will begin to edit the other chapters and post new ones withing the month.

Lot of Love- Lizzy 

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