Chapter 6- The Music

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“Stab the body and it heals, but injure the heart and the wound lasts a lifetime.”

― Mineko Iwasaki

Authors Note:  Ok so I am making this as Evelyn’s P.O.V and it’s only a filler chapter.  Enjoy.

Lots of Love- Lizzy

Evelyn’s P.O.V

I woke up early the next morning. My eyes felt rare and puffy and my heart ached. I didn’t know why I even cared; she hasn’t truly been my mother since my father died, and even when he was alive she never cared.

I sighed at that thought, realizing it was true. My mother never did love me; I was her mistake, her burden. I was the crud on the bottom of her shoe; she never treated me any different. But my brother, he was he golden child. She put him on a pedestal and worshiped him. I didn’t mind I liked being forgotten. I didn’t like people; they weren’t trust worthy and always lied and broke my heart. I had no reason to like people. The only person I truly loved was Michael, he was my best friend, my brother and he protected me.

I groaned when my alarm went off, interrupting my thoughts. It was the day off the concert for music. I had told Mrs. Strambi I would perform as a soloist. She was overly thrilled, and told me had better be there early. So I set my alarm for 5 am, and now I pulled myself out of bed to grab my dress I set out for the day. 

It was a black and white floor length dress. The bodice was white with black roses sewn in with light beading across the waist. The vines curled down the waist into the white skirt, a sheer piece of fabric gave the skirt an angelic look. The dress fit me perfectly, and was the dress I always wore when I would play piano, and I hated performing like that. The reason I performed was the feeling it gave me.  My heart would burst in love because it brought me peace.

I sighed as I fixed my hair. This concert would bring unwanted attention to me and that concept scared me.  I didn’t like it when people saw me, especially like this, my red hair curling perfectly down my back and my eyes highlighted lightly with blue.  I looked like a stranger and I knew it would cause an interest when students saw me.

I sighed once more and walked from my house to the meadow. It wasn’t long ago when a bear had tried to kill me here, and now I stood in the middle of the meadow in a dress watching the butterflies dance over head.

Just before I left one landed on my arm as if it meant to comfort me and I smiled, whispering into the light breeze, “I miss you daddy.”


The gym was cold, though I couldn’t tell if it was the draft or the looks I kept getting from some of the girls. I know I looked pretty but they were looking at me like I was the worst thing alive. I didn’t care though; I just wanted to get this over with.

I was setting up the piano when I felt a hand on my bare shoulder. I looked up half expecting to see Derrick, but it was just the blond boy, Victor I think, from my first day here. He smiled at me before speaking, “So I heard you were performing a solo.” I nodded looking away from him. “What song?”

I smiled, “Imaginary.” I whispered, “By Evanescence.”

He returned my smile, “Doesn’t that song need a guitar and maybe drums.”

I nodded, “Yes but everyone else already had their pieces.”

“I know a couple people that need the credit for this but have nothing to do.” He looked away from me and waved someone over. I was too shocked to speak as Derrick walked over, his eyes meeting mine.  Victor looked back towards me, “We are on first right?” I nodded, “Good. Are you ready?” Once again I nodded moving to sit at the piano running the song through my mind.

Victor had set the drums up behind me, and Derrick now stood beside me as students filed into the gym for the concert.  I began to feel nervous, seeing all those people there eyes on me. I began to shake in fear until I felt an arm wrap around me. I looked over to see Derrick smiling at me, “You will do great Evelyn, just breath.” I nodded and looked away from him.

Mrs. Strambi announced the concerts beginning. She introduced me and the boys with a smile. The gym was silent after she spoke and as I let my fingers dance over the piano keys I heard Derrick and Victor join in. I knew it was time for me to begin singing.  

‘I linger in the doorway

Of alarm clock screaming

Monsters calling my name

Let me stay

Where the wind will whisper to me

Where the raindrops, as they’re falling, tell a story’

The music drifted to the ceiling and back down to me. I lost myself in it, letting the world around me vanish.

‘In my field of paper flowers

And candy clouds of lullaby (flowers)

I lie inside myself for hours

And watch my purple sky fly over me (flowers)

Don’t say I’m out of touch

With this rampant chaos - your reality

I know well what lies beyond my sleeping refuge

The nightmare I built my own world to escape’

Derrick had moved closer to me, the sound of the guitar calmed me further until I was completely lost in the music. My fingers dancing through the solos of the piano with such grace I thought of the butterfly as I finished the song.

‘In my field of paper flowers

And candy clouds of lullaby (flowers)

I lie inside myself for hours

And watch my purple sky fly over me (flowers)

Swallowed up in the sound of my screaming

Cannot cease for the fear of silent nights

Oh, how I long for the deep sleep dreaming

The goddess of imaginary light

In my field of paper flowers

And candy clouds of lullaby (flowers)

I lie inside myself for hours

And watch my purple sky fly over me (flowers)’

I carried the last note a little longer, then stood to take my bow and was shocked as the sound of cheering and applause touched my ears. I smiled and walked from the gym to the music room with Victor and derrick behind me. Both of them looked at me with awe and it made me feel weird, though I loved the fact that people enjoyed the music as much as I did.

In the music room Michael swept me into a hug whispering in my ear, “You did great Ev, dad would be proud.”

A tear fell down my cheek and on his shirt, “I hope so.” I smiled through the tears. I looked at him, can we go home.

“Of course Evelyn.” He took my hand and led me out of the school towards his car. We drove in silence to the house and he left me with my thoughts when we reached home.

Authors note: Ok so this is a filler. Just to kinda show you another side of Evelyn. So what did you all think? Did your thoughts of Evelyn change? And what do you think of Victor? Or Derrick? And how about Michael anyone’s options change of him?

Comment, vote

Lots of Love


P.S Next chapter will be up in a couple days

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