Chapter 7 part 2- Desired

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There are two tragedies in life. One is to lose your heart's desire. The other is to gain it.

George Bernard Shaw

Evelyn's P.O.V

The air was thick and it seemed like  I was in a basement. The floor was concrete and the walls were covered in mold and dirt. My head ached but I felt a pain much deeper. My brother had sold me. Michael had given me to the man my father owed, the man who killed my mother, and the man who now owned me.

Tears filled my eyes and slowly spilt onto my cheeks. I felt betrayed and utterly exhausted. It was life was laughing at me for being happy for a single second but honestly I didn't care right now. My eyelids dropped and my world fell into complete darkness.


I instantly realized this was a dream when I saw the dance hall. The walls were covered in all colored silk and the floor shined like glass, dancer spun around the floor as if on air, but none of this held my attention. NO that was the man who held me in his arms. His blue eyes were filled with hate and fear, I didn't realize why. But as he held me close his hatred seemed to vanish, the fear melted away until all that was left was desire in his eyes.

As we spun around the floor my dress fanned out around me a brilliant array of blues and purples. My vibrant red hair fell free of its prison atop my head and draped over my shoulders flaring out as we spun around the floor. The ther dancers parted for us but his eyes never left my face. I felt like pray, and as he led me to the door that feeling stayed.

When we were outside he grabbed my hand pulling my body to his, he then bared his teeth changing into what seemed to be a bear. His sharp claws ripped through my dress and skin and...


I woke in a heap sweating on the cold concrete, my body was shaking and all I could was why me...


Derricks P.O.V

I needed her by me. I needed to hear her voice, to feel her soft skin against mine. But she was gone, and now i had the man standingin my room.

"Who are you?" I whispered only wanting him out so I could mourn alone but he just laughed.

"Well Derrick, last I checked I was your brother." I was shocked, my mouth literally hung to the floor. I heard him sigh, "So much for being greeted with open arms I guess."

Author's Note------> Ok so this is Part 2 of chapter 7 there is one more part to the chapter and i havent decided if derrick will find evelyn before other events take place. Sorry for the cliff hangers guys, not on purpose and i promise next part will be longer. Lots Of Love- Lizzy.


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