I said truthfully. It really was hard getting into the agency, especially knowing about it and its existence. It was like working my ass off to crawl in a hole that I would not fit into, fortunately I did. It began when I was only an intern at Central Intelligence Association, a famous word on the office that there was somehow an organization higher than the CIA, and I'm pretty sure they said it was better than the FBI. But it was only just rumors. I mentioned about it with my supervisor since he's been working in the CIA through half of his life, and he effortlessly debunked the idea of it and yelled at me to get back to work.

But it didn't stop me from discovering it.

I later found out that he was working for the exact secret agency, known as World Crime Investigation Agency. At first I expected him to be furious about my new found information when I confronted him about it and later someone will find my body somewhere in the ocean or rivers floating, but what he did surprised the hell out of me, he referred me to the general of WCIA. According to them the only persons who get accepted in the agency is the ones who proved its existence, and let me tell you it was undeniably hard to find out. Fast forward after finishing college and getting my degree, I landed a job in the agency, and here I am standing in front of the general discussing my job experience in his Agency for the past 2 years.

The general nodded his head in understanding. “I get what you're talking about and I'm willing to change that.”

My head slightly tilt from his words. “What do you mean?”

“I'm giving you a promotion,” He declared, pausing momentarily as his face flashed into a serious look. “We're forming a unit to handle a serious case and I want you to be one of it.”

“Me?” I froze in my spot, trying sink the news in my head. A lot of emotions were swirling inside me right now, and I don't know what the proper way to react in this situation, especially infront of my boss.

“Yes, I trust you with this case and I'm certain that you'll be perfect for the job.” He explained and stood up from his seat and extending his hand towards me. “So what do you say? you up for it?”

His words were enough to make a huge smile burst in my face, excitement vibrating in my body that I could almost feel that I wanted to jump in happiness but hold it in.

I nodded vigorously, grabbing his hand a little too eager. “I'm in sir, I promise I will do my best and not let you down.”

“Good, but there is one crucial condition though.” He informs as he pulled his hand back to his side. I falter for a moment, waiting for him to continue. “This case is highly classified and cannot be discussed outside and to others who aren't involved.”

Nodding my head in comprehension. “Understood, sir.”

“We organized a base not far from here, I'll send you the location.” He informs, sitting back down and typed into his computer. “We'll discuss the details of your work along with your peers tomorrow so I expect you to be there before noon, and don't worry I'll inform the head of your department that you'll be excused until further notice.”

With all that he said I just kept nodding. I heard a ping from the phone at my back pocket and I instantly know what it is. The general shift his attention back to me with an unsure look. “It seems that my record here is missing something, What department are you again?”

“Human Trafficking department.”


Closing the generals office door behind me I silently descend the stairs, there was light enthusiastic hop like in my steps that I notice were attracting other people, but I don't care. Swerving my way though the crowded hall I finally arrived at my department and gently pushed the glass door open.

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