Chapter 20

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"Well, glad to see you're finally here."

I cross my arms.

"You couldn't have known I would be coming."

He lifts his head off his chest, exhibiting the horrifying smile on his lips. Fane's face was badly beaten, blood running down his chin and on his chest. One of his eyes was swollen, and there was a deep cut across his forehead and down his cheek. He was still tied to the metal chair.

"I know you're a vampire," I say shakily.

He laughs out loud, showing his fangs.

"What's wrong darling? Scared?"

I ignore him and straighten up.

"You're not Roman's brother."

"Oh? What makes you say that?" he says cheekily.

"As I said, you're a Vampire, they're both werewolves. You can't be biologically related."

"We're a very, hmm, how should I put this, diverse family. But I have a question sweetheart, if you're so sure of yourself, why come all the way down here just to tell me?" He smiles and there's a glint in his eyes that tells me he already knows the answer. And now that I think of it, I'm not entirely sure why I had to come down here. I could've just talked to Roman, but something was drawing me towards Fane, some kind of pull that I couldn't resist...

"You came down here because you know that I, and I alone, can give you answers."

I nod.

"So give me some answers." I walk towards his cell.

"I am Roman's brother, and Caroline's brother. We were born of the same mother and father. I am a Vampire, Caroline's a werewolf -"

"How is that possible?" I interrupt.

He chuckles darkly, never looking away from me.

"Our parents, they weren't normal. Our mother was a werewolf, our father was what made Roman so different. A Hyb-"

"Makada! What the hell are you doing down here- Fane." I recognize the voice of someone I haven't see in a week. Dimitri.

"Dimitri? What are you doing here?" I step away from Fane's cell, realizing just how close I was.

"We just arrived back." he says to me, not looking at me but instead at Fane.

He suddenly snaps his head to mine.

"What are you doing here?" he says coldly.

"I, I was just, um." I wrap my arms around myself, suddenly feeling very cold. Dimitri notices and takes off his leather jacket, wrapping it around my small frame.

"Go outside, I'll be there in a minute."

"But, Dimitri-"

"Makada, Now."

I nod and head towards the exit quickly. I've never seen Dimitri so angry, but I didn't like it.

Dimitri's POV

20 minutes before

"Oh my God, that flight was terrible." Caroline says beside me, trying to pull her heavy luggage up the steps of the packhouse.

"Caroline, if you can't handle a private jet, what can you fly on?" I chuckle, taking her luggage from her.

She huffs and opens the door.

"They are just too, too-"

"High?" I laugh.

She rolls her eyes.

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