"If we don't find out who told Kate about the vault, we don't get those bonds back! What do you think I'm gonna do then, huh? Get a job? My resume is slightly out of date. We got robbed, Derek. Robbed!" Peter grabs his nephew's shoulder.

        With a growl, Derek turns around, his hand wrapped around Peter's wrist. His eyes are glowing gold instead of his usual red. Forgetting about being in pain, I walk over to the two of them, confused to as why his eyes are a different color. 

        Peter has the same reaction to his eyes as me. "Oh, that's a new look for you."

        Derek yanks his arm back to his body. 

        "What happened to your eyes?" I speak up, standing next to Peter. 

        Derek calms down a little, his eyes returning to their usual brown. "I don't know, but I'm willing to pay to find out."

        Peter glances at me, like he is just as curious as I am to know what is going on with Derek. "Fine. I'll let you two get back to training. We all know Arden needs it. She wouldn't win a fight with anyone." 

        I glare at the back of Peter's head as he heads for the door. I spin back around. Derek's arms are now crossed over his chest, eyes on me. "You don't think I'm that weak, do you?"

        Instead of answering me, Derek swipes his arm against the back of my knees. I land with a loud thud, the breath knocked out of me. My hand covers my chest, half hoping that I'll catch my breath. This was his way of answering me. He took me down with no problem at all. Derek thinks I'm weak. Pretending to still catch my breath, I grab his ankle and yank it forward. The action is enough for him to lose his balance. 

        Derek falls hard on the ground beside me. I roll over on my stomach, pushing myself up with my arms. With Derek surprised by what I did, I pin his arms down with my knees. 

        "Still think I'm weak?" I smirk, hands resting on his chest. The position I'm in leaves me straddling his chest. 

        Derek flips me over with one swift motion. Now, I'm being straddled by him, his hands locked around my wrists on either side of my head. "Yes, I do."

        I struggle against his hold, annoyed. "Damn it!" 

        Derek laughs. "You're not strong enough." 

        Okay, so, muscle is not my friend yet. I'll just have to use something else. 

        "Do you remember when you were younger last week?" I peer up at Derek, letting him think that I am still trying to find a way out of his tight grip. "Do you remember everything you had said?"


        I glance at my left wrist. I have no chance of yanking my arms free, but my legs are available to be used. I swallow before flicking my eyes back to Derek's face. "So, you remember what you said to me? When we were up in Scott's bedroom?"

        Derek's eyes quickly dart away from mine. 

        I smile to myself, but quickly mask it with a straight face. "You do. Was that sixteen year old you or this you talking?"

        His grasp on my wrists loosen ever so slightly. For once, Derek is speechless. No emotion is present on his face to give me insight on what he is thinking. Why is he not answering me? I thought it was a pretty simple question. I kick my right leg up, wrapping it around Derek's waist. I manage to find enough strength to flip us back over. Derek is caught by surprise. 

        Don't hold back. Derek's words from every training session rings in my mind. You can do anything you want to me and I'll heal. I'm not worried. You want to punch me, then punch me. Right now, I'm not Derek, I'm some person that wants to kill you. Fight. Back.

        In my mind, I replace Derek's body with some stranger's to be able to do what I am about to do. My fist slams into Derek's face. I roll backwards, flipping onto my feet. I jump up and place the bottom of my sneaker against Derek's throat, only applying light pressure. 

        Derek breaks out in a grin. "Nice."

        I apply a little more pressure. "Answer the question." 

       The smile is replaced with a frown. "I can still take you down."   

        I sigh. "Derek, just answer the damn question."

        Derek grabs my ankle. I land on the ground on my back once more. "I'll tell you once you earned it."



Decided to just have this chapter be filled with Derek and Arden. They had a bit of a training session and Arden is getting curious about Derek’s feelings. Although, I’m not sure if she’s just curious or likes him back. I don’t even think she knows yet.

Thought I ought to give you a little Darden for now. I really do like the two of them together. And, Arden got a little worried for Derek when she saw the color of his eyes were still different.

So, in season four, Braeden and Derek are supposed to be a thing, but clearly that won't happen. However, Braeden will still help Derek with learning to fight back without any of his supernatual-ness. Do you think Arden should get jealous?

Question: What did you think of this chapter?

So, yeah!


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