The pirates spun around.

"Throw the gun down," she said.

Avery did and she kicked it away from him.

"The rest of you, on your knees," she ordered. "

Amy, what are you doing?" the Doctor asked. The Doctor noticed Elise was holding a small dagger as well.

"Saving your life. Okay with that, are you?" Amy asked.

"Put down the sword. A sword could kill us all, girl," Avery said.

"Yeah, thanks. That is actually why I'm pointing it at you."

The pirates rushed forward, trying to knock the sword from Amy's hands. Any time she got close to them with the sword, they backed away from her.

Amy ran up some steps and swung across on a rope. She slashed at the pirate who was holding Rory earlier.

"You have killed me," he said.

"No way. It's just a cut. What kind of rubbish pirates are you?" Amy asked.

"One drop, that's all it takes. One drop of blood and she'll rise out of the ocean," Avery explained.

"Come on, I barely even scratched him. What are you all in such a huff about?"

A pirate came towards Amy and she tried to swing past him, but he grabbed her. She dropped the sword.

Rory tried to grab it, but cut his hand in the process. "Ow!" A black spot appeared on his hand. "Er, Doctor, what's happening to me?" he asked.

"She can smell the blood on your skin. She's marked you for death," Avery said.


"A demon, out there in the ocean."

"Okay. Groovy. So not just pirates today. We've managed to bagsy a ship where there's a demon popping in," the Doctor said. He looked at Rory's hand. "Very efficient. I mean, if something's going to kill you, it's nice that it drops you a note to remind you."

Suddenly, there was singing.

"Quickly now, block out the sound," the first mate said.

"What?" Rory asked.

"The creature. She charms all her victims with that song," Avery explained.

"Oh, great. So put my fingers in my ears, that's your plan? Doctor, come on. Let's go. Let's get back to the...back to the..." Rory and the other pirate started giggling.

"The music. It's working on him. Look," the first mate said.

Rory turned to Amy, swaying a bit. "You are so beautiful."

"What?" Amy asked him.

"I love your get up. That's great. You should dress as a pirate more often. Hey, hey, cuddle me, shipmate."

"Rory, stop."

"Everything is totally brilliant, isn't it? Look at these brilliant pirates. Look at their brilliant beards. I'd like a beard. I'm going to grow a beard."

"You're not."

"The music turns them into fools," Avery said.

Amy froze. "Oh, my God."

They all turned to see a bright light rising up out of the water.

A woman flew out of the sea and landed on deck.

The Littlest Timelord: The Death of the DoctorWhere stories live. Discover now