It was somewhat closure for Miku, to meet Mitsuki Bakugou again. After so long.

After a while of talking, Mitsuki was due to leave. Apparently she had to go 'restrain her brat of a son from burning down the house'. But before she left, she handed Miku a piece of paper.

"What's this?" Miku asked, opening up the folded paper.

"It's my idiot of a son's phone number. You guys haven't been in contact for so long, it seemed like the logical thing to do to give it to you. You can call him up or something." Mitsuki said, smiling.

Miku's eyes lit up, reading the numbers in her brain before pulling out her phone and inserting his number into her contact list. She smiled a humongous smile, and launched herself at Mitsuki for a final hug.

"Thank you so much!" She yelled excitedly, before letting Mitsuki go.

Bakugou's mom smiled and waved, before walking off to her own estate just a few houses away.

Even though Miku had Bakugou's phone number, she never texted or called him, afraid of his reaction. Who knows what he would do? Besides, he'd probably block her if he knew it was her that was texting him.

But tonight must've been him in a good mood, because when she texted, he replied.


Go outside to the balcony of your room and look towards the left.

The hell are you? And what the crap do you mean by go outside your balcony? Are you some kind of stalker or something?

Regardless of what he'd said, Miku saw that a fuming, shirtless Katsuki Bakugou had walked out onto his balcony, looking straight towards her, who was standing on her balcony too. His mouth visibly curled into a scowl as he brought his phone up to his face as he texted her.

Her face heated up seeing him half-naked standing there, but she continued texting him. Although she every so often looked up from her phone to see his toned abs. She squealed a little and looked back at her buzzing phone.


What the hell? How did you even get my phone number?

Your mom gave me your phone number, actually.

That old hag. How does my mom even know you? You're just that worthless girl across the street.

My mom and your mom are good friends, Bakugou-senpai! Plus, we've been classmates since we were little kids.

You even call me senpai through text, you weirdo. What the hell do you want?

I just wanted to ask you about your results from the UA acceptance letter.

Obviously, I got accepted. I bet shitty Deku didn't.

Don't talk about Izu-Kun that way, Bakugou-senpai! He's actually really worried, but I'm sure he'll get in!

Did you get in, idiot? I bet you didn't.

Actually, I haven't opened the letter yet. I'm really nervous.

Why do you even need to be nervous, stupid? It's just a simple thing. Open the goddamn letter! If you don't get into UA, there are plenty of other hero schools in Japan. It's just that you won't be on the same level as me, I mean, you've never been on the same level as me. But you won't get the same opportunities I have.

Okay then, Bakugou-senpai. I'll go and open it up.

Go quickly, you wimp.

He visibly scoffed from his balcony, and Miku smiled as she waved at him and walked back into her room. She actually really wanted to get into UA. It was her dream school, after all.

So with a shaky breath, she carefully opened up the letter and pulled a circular device out of the letter. She was confused. There wasn't any formal letter inside the envelope, but this weird circle.

Suddenly, it glowed a vibrant blue, and a hologram appeared.

"All Might?!"


UwU it's Baku time! And thanks for 100 reads! It means a lot! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter of airhead!

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