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When that happens, you'll live a normal life.
- Natasha Romanoff

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"Why?" I asked, worry evident in my voice as we both enter the house. "What do you feel?"

"I feel perfectly fine, Agent," Vision said dismissively as we sat down on the sofa.

"Then what is it?"

"Before the snap, before all the loss," Vision started anxiously, his eyes trained on the table near us. "We were trying to remove this entity in my head," he said as he pointed at the mind stone, "I was hoping we can continue the process."

"Does Wanda know about this?"


"When that happens, you'll live a normal life."

Vision chuckled, "Yes, that's what we were hoping for actually."

"What does that mean?" I asked, my eyebrows creasing. "Are you quitting?"

"No, she's not. But I would no longer be of use to the team once the stone is removed from my head and therefore I shall. Wanda however, she just—she's choosing to pick her battles from now on."

I didn't know what to say after that. What do I say to that exactly?

"I'll give T'Challa a call and tell him about this," I heard a voice said behind me and when I turned around, it was Steve with a little smile on his face. "We'll just tell you what he says."

Vision stood up from where he was seated and gave Steve a look filled with gratitude, "Thank you, Captain," he said before leaving and going to his room.

"You don't look too happy," Steve commented as he sat next to me.

I shook my head and smiled at him, "No, I am. I know it's what they both want."

"Then what's going on?" he asked gently, reminding me of that time when he asked me the same question in Sam's house.

I sighed, "I just never thought the day would come where the Avengers would start picking their battles. I just thought that we'd all be prepared to head into any as long as the world remains safe."

Steve's hand enclosed with mine and it immediately brought me warmth that spread like wildfire all over my body, leaving every part burning.

"Saving the world will always be a priority, Natasha," Steve said softly and I nodded, "but that doesn't mean that it would always have to be the first. I used to see it that way—charging in at every battle I find—but when you have something to keep you alive, when you want to go home to someone, your perspective changes."

"But you live by that," I said as I locked my eyes on our intertwined fingers. "I mean, you came back, after all."

"I didn't come back just to be an Avenger again, Nat," he whispered.

I looked at him quizzically, "Then what are your other reasons?"

For a split second, I felt Steve's tension. It was like all the reasons not to tell me came flooding in and some sort of force is preventing him from saying what it is he wants to. But then, it all faded away as soon as it came and I wonder what thoughts he were supposed to leak. But he kept his lips pursed and instead of answering, he simply smirked my way, "It's a secret."

"Rogers, come back here and tell me right now!" I exclaimed when he stood up and walked away.

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