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"Hey champ! What's up?" Akshit greeted Pia with a smile as she stood near the door on the sultry Sunday morning.

Wearing a blue frock which made wanton gambles with the wind she said with a bright smile, "Ready for the match?"

"Yes, of course, Little Princess," he said, smiling lovingly at her.

"Promise me that we will eat ice cream," she commanded.

He knelt down and laughing lightly. "You seem to have a special liking for it."

Pia nodded her head innocently. She didn't know why but somehow she had started trusting him and looking up to him. He always fulfilled her wishes and treated her like a princess. A bond had corded itself between her and her bhaiya. The bond of faith which shone brightly on their faces as they enjoyed each other's company.

To Akshit it seemed really enjoyable and relaxing to spend time with Pia. He had spent his entire life with his nose in the books. Even after becoming a child psychologist he had never met such a hopeful child like Pia. Her heart was filled with the golden rays of hope which emitted their positivity in her vicinity and captivated one and all. He was still in awe. He had met many children who were depressed or suffering from post traumatic stress disorder but she was totally different. She had this aura of innocence around her which attracted everyone's love towards her.

"Will you keep on staring at the wall or will you take out the video game?"

"Sorry, Little Princess. I will be back in a jiffy," he said, suddenly recovering from the charm she had cast on him.

"We will play Sonic, okay?" she said with her voice full and deliberate which made it clear that its owner was accustomed to speak and be heard.

"Okay milady. Anything else?" he said fake saluting.

All he earned in return was a glare.

"Are you sure you are only eight?"

"Yes, of course," she said deadpanned.

"No, I mean you act like you're 20."

With knitted brows she said innocently, "You have fun in teasing me, don't you?"

Laughing he said, "Obviously."

With pouting lips she said, "Are you going to continue with your teasing? I will go then. I had come to play."

"Okay, please don't go. We will play the game now."

She sure knows how to shut me up- he thought.

After two hours of swaying from side to side and leaning back and forth, with sore fingers the two idiots got up.

"I am hungry," she said pouting.

"Okay, what will you eat?"

"Ice cream."

"Pia you can't eat ice cream alone. First eat something else."

With knitted eyebrows she said, "But I told you that I will eat ice cream."

"Yes you will but first eat something healthy. Okay, let's see. Do you like pulses?"

With a sad expression she said, "Yes but which one?"

"Yellow one."

"Oh God it's pulses not crayons. Tell me the type."

He stared at her dumbfounded.

"Do you know the types of pulses Pia?"

"Of course," she said deadpanned.

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