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Walking towards her car she sighed blissfully as the wind soft through her black locks. The cool  breeze was definitely a mood lifter. She loved to sing in such a happy weather but somehow she couldn't. It had been a long time since she last sang. Also the fact that she was standing in the hospital's parking area lowered any prospects of singing. She was happy that it was finally Saturday evening and she had all the time tomorrow to clean the house and spend time with Pia.

Reaching her house she saw that the lights of her house were on. Until a few days ago she would have been shocked at the sight. However in the past few days a lot had changed including the fact that many times Pia would come home with Akshit to take her books. She had tried to make Pia understand that this wasn't right but she was stopped by Savita Aunty who seemed to love Pia a lot.

She was brought out of her musings by the sudden opening of the door. There stood in front of her Savita Aunty. She was a bit shocked and was still trying to think what the special occasion was all about.

"Namaste Aunty."

Smiling lovingly at her, Aunty said, "Namaste beta. Come in. Please don't do such formalities."

Reciprocating her smile Saumya walked in to see Pia sitting on the couch playing ludo with Akshit. To her it seemed quite awkward to converse with him after the incident.

"Saumya you should try to do what you used to do until a few years ago," advised her heart.

"Are you mad?  Have you forgotten about the wall that you had created around yourself you stupid heart," reprimanded her mind.

"Beta go and freshen up. Dinner is ready."

Aunty's words brought her out of her trance and she said, "Aunty please don't strain yourself. I could have cooked, right?"

"Oh God. Do you have a problem eating the food cooked by me? Look at yourself. You have grown so thin. You have dark circles. It's not good. You're young. The glow has faded from your cheeks. We will go to the spa where I usually go. You need to take care of yourself too."

His mom's words attracted his attention and so Shrey and Pia sat staring at the duo eager to know who would win.

"But..." she protested.

Raising a hand to shut her up she continued, "I am hearing no more of it. You will come with me to Cherub's Spa and we will have a girls day out. Call your friend too if she is free. One should take a lot of care during pregnancy. You haven't met Sanyukta yet. She will also go with us. Now go and get changed."

With a pouty face Saumya said, "Please Aunty. I hate spas and all."

"Have you ever had a spa?" Aunty shot back.

With a crestfallen look Saumya shook her head. Akshit and Pia high fived. Finally the mighty Saumya who always used to emerge victorious was defeated. However Saumya was too busy to pay attention to the two idiots.

"Then how can you say you hate it? At least try it this once."

Keeping a hand on her shoulder, Aunty said, "I wouldn't have forced you but I know you wouldn't have agreed then. Please take care of yourself too."

"Oh My God," Akshit said with wide eyes. "My mom has forgotten that I am her son too. Pia do they teach you how to bring back memory in your school."

Pia innocently shook her head while Savita Aunty only glared at him. Saumya was staring with a blank look.

She didn't know how she could thank her Aunty enough. Even though her words had triggered old memories Saumya didn't cry. She was never the one to cry in front of anyone not even her own mom. She never figured out if it was good or bad but it had been her childhood habit. She had always smiled cheerfully. Her childhood was full of sweet memories and she always believed that childhood was the best part of her life. She wanted to give Pia a happy childhood too. She wanted Pia to smile when she remembered her childhood days. However she had suffered a lot at this age. Saumya could only try to make her forget her sufferings.

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