The Final Battle

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All the warriors but Sophia stared at the woman with pure shock. After some explanations and introductions, the warriors calmed down. Rhea's expression soon turned grim. "I had told you I would meet you before the final battle. It is time. Even now Nyx's army marches. She herself will fight. This is going to be the hardest battle of your life." Rhea said grimly. The mood dropped like a stone. The warriors grouped together. A brilliant flash of light transported them to Olympus.

Apparently Rhea had already informed the gods about the upcoming battle. They had put the mortals to sleep and shifted them. Both the Greek and Roman demigods stood in the streets of New York. They were standing ready for battle. Both the warriors and campers knew that they may take their last breath in a few minutes. The sun sank beneath the horizon. The gods stood with Percy. Rhea wore full body armor. She held her symbol of power, a four foot long sword made of gold. Soon chaos ensued. In the titanomacy the demigods had tried to seal off New York. This time they stood in a defensive circle around the entrance to Olympus.

A large monster army attacked. The army had hundreds of thousands of monsters if not millions. It would have been a massacre if not for the gods, Rhea and Percy. Zeus unleashed massive lightning bolts when things got hairy the demigods fell into a defensive circle and the gods revealed their true form. This vaporized the monsters but more kept on pouring into the city. An hour before sunrise the onslaught of monsters stopped. A quick check was done.

Out of the 160 Roman demigods only 50 remained. Half of the hunters had taken their last breath. Out of the 100 Greeks only 20 remained alive. The worst hit were the warriors. Jason grace had been reunited with his friend. Will, the Stoll twins, Sophia, Clarisse, Leo, Frank, and Reyna were the only ones fighting. Chris and Hazel were alive but in no shape to fight. Percy was also unharmed. The loss of his friends had hit him hard. The gods were tired and injured.

"Enough!" Percy shouted. Everyone turned to him. Tears streamed down his face. He threw his sword down. "I am done with seeing more death. I will not fight this war. I will not have any more blood on my hands. Nyx hates me. If I surrender things will go to normal." Percy shouted and ran into a building. The demigods stood stunned. Zoë and Sophia stood up. Zoë's eyes were puffy. Many of the deceased hunters were like sisters to her. Sophia on the other hand was in better shape. They went to the building Percy had entered. They found him silently crying sitting on a couch. Zoë walked next to him. She sat down beside him. Sophia followed.

For some time they simply sat silently. Soon Percy noticed the duo sitting next to him. Zoë also noticed the fact that he finally noticed her and Sophia sitting next to him. "Thou art not turning yourself in." she said bluntly. Her voice was hoarse. Percy opened his mouth to argue but Zoë would have none of that. "Think idiot. Do thou seriously think Nyx will leave us? Perseus, the warriors are counting on thee. There are so many people depending on thee. Will thou simply let them down?" Zoë said. This seemed to knock some sense into the demigod. Slowly the grief in his eyes vanished. Determination filled his hollow mirthless green eyes.

"We have a spy on our hands." Percy said bluntly. "I expected as much. Nyx is not stupid to send a small army 400 strong to attack when you are in the area." Sophia said. "Do not let anything important slip. We can't find a spy easily." Percy said and swiftly walked out unsheathing Harpe. "Follow me." He said. Zoë and Sophia followed him. "There are some reinforcements we have that are in New York. They will guard us during the day. Also they destroy monsters very nicely." Percy said. Percy walked up to a statue of George Washington. He pressed a spot on the statues leg. "Hello George Washington. Command sequence: Daedalus 23. Take orders from the gods and me. Begin activation." Percy said. The statue leapt off its pedestal and looked at Percy expectantly. "Activate all the statues but those made of marble. Report to the empire state building after your job is done with the other automatons. Make sure they obey you." Percy said. The statue saluted Percy and walked away.

He turned back to find Zoë and Sophia staring at him in shock. Without a word he walked away. The trio moved to the empire state building to rest. Soon the day flew by. It was evening. The son would sink beyond the horizon soon. Suddenly a horn was heard. Chiron and his kin burst into the streets. The hopes of everyone rose. The campers and centaurs chatted. Percy and Chiron walked out. "Sorry I am late Percy. You know how hard it is to group the centaurs." Chiron said. Percy merely gave him a weary smile in return.

He had seen too much in his short life. Just twenty years old and he had fought two wars and was in his third. "My hopes are not held high Chiron. The only way we can win is by fighting Nyx in the day. I do not see that happening anytime soon." Percy said. Chiron gave no reply. The two moved up to Olympus. They walked into a deserted throne room. They were grim. They both knew victory was not something easily achieved.

Suddenly Percy rushed to his living area. He grabbed his stuff. He found what he had been looking for. The locket his friend carter had given him. He had not called his 'allies' because he did not want to involve them in Greek business. But desperate times called for desperate measures. He wore the gift given to him by his friend and leapt off the edge of Olympus. He shot eastward toward Brooklyn. Within a minute he reached the place where his allies lived.

"CARTER" he shouted. His friend came out of the warehouse. "Percy!" he said stunned. Percy quickly explained the problem to his friend and his sister. Percy, Carter and his sister Sadie went to the palace of the gods to gather their forces. Meanwhile back in New York there was a battle going on. The centaurs were the only reason the Olympian forces were not massacred. Suddenly the monsters retreated. Meanwhile Percy and his two friends had went to gather more allies in Boston. Soon all the reinforcements assembled and were on their way to New York.

In the said city Nyx arrived. She lashed out at the gods. The combined effort of the gods was barely enough to hold her back for half a minute. Nyx was about to take Zeus's head off when a massive hammer slammed into her sending her flying. The reinforcements had arrived. The Olympians and their forces whirled around and were astonished by the sight they saw.

A large army of a million people stood behind them. Percy Jackson stood next to a man with long blond hair who looked like Apollo. The army charged forward. The monsters who had retreated came rushing forward to their mistresses aid. Nyx furiously stood up "Destroy them." She roared. Then Percy did something he had never done before. He was already hosting Nekhbet, the goddess of vultures. He conversed with the god of summer, Frey. Frey vanished. Percy let loose a scream of pain. He stood up. His eyes suddenly snapped open. They were no longer the green eyes. Gold was their color. He suddenly began growing in size until his height was equal to Nyx. He had done something that had never been done before. He became the eye of two gods, of different pantheons.

He shot forward at Nyx a massive sword appearing in his hand. It began glowing. Within seconds night had been replaced by day. Percy and Nyx stood toe to toe. Nyx leapt backward. "Who are you?" she said fearfully. "I am the host of the Egyptian goddess Nekhbet and the Viking god Frey. I am the trainer of heroes" Percy shouted. His sword began glowing, the combined power of three beings flowing into it. He shot forward and faster than Nyx could react drove the sword into her chest. In a brilliant flash of light Nyx was dead.

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