The Army of Olympus

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Everyone's eyes widened. "H-H-How?" Percy said stunned. "Perseus! What art thou doing in the sky." Zoë said. "Zoë you are alive in Olympus." Percy said. Zoë's eyes widened. After Zoë calmed down, Hestia filled her in about the transpiring events. She was shocked. Soon the mood became serious.

"How you are alive is a mystery. We have to be careful. Now on to my plan. While I do not mean to offend the hunters, let's face it. They are not as strong as they were in the giant war. They are skilled, but are not experienced veterans. The demigods on the other hand, are too weak. We need some other forces. Training all the demigods is no doubt going to be impossible. I was thinking I could take a select few skilled demigods, and train them to form the elite army of Olympus. The army could move around from place to place scattering monsters. Now my only worry is Artemis and her hunters. They themselves know that with the enemy we are facing, they need a break, but I do not think they will be happy about this." Percy said. Zeus merely smiled. "Perseus they themselves came to me asking for a break. They are even ready to have someone to replace them for now. Your plan is approved." Said Zeus.

Percy and Zoë were surprised. Suddenly Zoë turned to Percy. "For a long time I have been in the hunt. I do not wish to join once more. Thou hath proven thyself as trustworthy. I wish to join thy army." Zoe said. Percy's eyes widened. "Zoë think about your choice. You and I both know this is a big choice." Percy said to Zoë. "I shall stand by my own choice." Zoë replied. "Ere thou join the army, thou must take the oath to never betray the army. I beg thou not to misunderstand me. I know thou shall never turn, but the oath must be taken for one has to follow formality." Percy said to Zoë. Everyone in the room except Hestia stared at him stunned. Seeing the stares sent his way, he said "Hey I did read Shakespeare you know." At this everyone bust out laughing. "If you ever want to annoy your friends, speak like that." Hades said. Everyone became serious.

"Doth thou promise to never harm thy comrade?" Percy said to Zoë. "I promise to never harm my comrade." Zoë said. "Doth thou promise to stay loyal to the army of Olympus." Percy asked. "I promise to stay loyal to the army of Olympus." Zoë said. "Doth thou promise to lay down thy life for the good of the world" Percy finally asked. "I promise to lay down my life for the good of the world." Zoë said. "I welcome thou to the army of Olympus" Percy said. Zoë smiled. "What must we do Perseus?" asked Zoë. "For now, we must keep the fact that thou art alive from the others. We shall train in my training grounds. I also have a little friend. Thou can reveal thy existence to her." Percy said.

He teleported them to the island. He was elated to meet Sophia after a long time. "Sophia I'm back." Percy shouted. The ten year old ran out of the cabin and hugged her 'big brother' as she liked to call Percy. Percy filled her in on what had happened. She was the only one who was not surprised. She jumped up and down. The friends began training. Zoë helped Percy in his not-so-excellent archery. Percy helped Zoë in dual wielding swords. At the end of the day the trio was walking out of the arena when Hades appeared. "The camp is under attack. Zoë you better come" he said and vanished.

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