Mother and Son

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The next morning Percy woke up, took a shower, packed and then went to the camp borders. He had informed Chiron about his departure yesterday. Once he reached the hill he was surprised to find Argus waiting for him next to the camp van. It appeared that Chiron had informed Argus and requested him to drop Percy at the Airport. The said demigod got onto the van and was dropped off at the airport. He went and got his boarding pass. He did not have much luggage, just a backpack and a small bag. He carried his luggage into the cabin soon after the plane lifted off, Percy slept, for once without nightmares. When he woke up, the plane was an hour away from landing. These hours felt like days to the demigod. But soon they had landed in the city of Tokyo. He went out and wondered where he would meet his patrons. Then he spotted Zeus, who was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. To his shock, his adoptive mother was also there. They approached him. When Hestia noticed the dumbfounded look on her son's face, she laughed. "Did you think I would not take the opportunity to see my son?" she said, mirth dancing in her eyes. The four went to an alley, and from there teleported to an uninhabited island in the south of the country. "First of all, you must learn how to survive in the wild. Next we will train you in the way of defence and stealth which we are used to. At last you must learn to use the Japanese arts. After that you will gain hades and my blessing. Your mother will officially adopt you as her son. This will give you the powers a son of her would have. You and your mother will be staying in the beach cabin for the night. Know that this island is uninhabited, and the cabin was built by us." Zeus said. After that he and Hades vanished. Hestia stepped closer and touched Percy's forehead with her index finger. He felt warmth flowing all across him. When the warmth subsided, Hestia conjured a mirror. He looked a bit different. He now had specks of red in his green eyes; his skin had a light brown colour to it. "Now as you are my son you have the ability to conjure any type of homemade food, heal people, instil hope in them, and the most dangerous of all, the control over fire. Since you have two godly parents now, 80% of your blood is ichor." Hestia said. Percy sat confounded. After he got over his initial shock, his mother led him to the cabin. They both sat down in an awkward silence. Both of them did not know what to say. Percy broke the silence. "Got anything to tell me? I don't want to have another heart attack." He said. This sent his mother into a fit of laughter. They merrily chatted for some time. Percy told his mother about his life, and in return she told him about hers. Suddenly Hestia became serious. "Son it is time for your training. You must first of all learn to control your emotions. The heart can heal and hurt. If you are too angry, Greek fire will erupt around you. So learn to control your anger." Hestia said. Percy too became serious. They both meditated until it was midday. "Now anger is not a useless emotion. The angrier you are, the stronger your powers are. Knowing your title as the bane of monsters, you will be inevitably angered by one. Don't try to make a dam to hold in your fury. Ride it. Think clearly. Focus on good things. Direct your anger toward your enemy." Hestia instructed. She then used her powers as a god to replay memories of some events to anger Percy. Remembering his mother's advice, he destroyed a bunch of dummies conjured by Hestia. He managed to destroy all the dummies without harming a single blade of grass around the images. He apparently had the ability to control his emotions. Hestia was a peaceful goddess, but that did not mean that she could not fight. She trained her son till the sun hit the horizon. Percy was drenched in sweat and littered with cuts. Hestia on the other hand was sweating, but had not shed a single drop of blood. Percy might as well as be a god in terms of combat. That just showed how deadly of a fighter she was. "Mom I thought you hate violence." Percy said. "Percy I hate violence that has no cause. I was the deadliest of the gods in the first titanomacy. I could tell you a few stories if you want." Hestia offered. "Ok. I am curious to hear how you are at full strength." Percy said. They went into the cabin, and Hestia then began her story. Long ago, there was a battle between the gods and titans. It was the norm during the titanomacy. Demeter and Hera were locked in battle with Atlas. Nearby, Hestia was dealing with Iapetus. Demeter and Hera were holding their own until the reinforcements arrived. The monsters turned the tide of the battle. The duo would not lost longer. Just as Atlas's javelin was about to pierce Hera's chest, a throwing knife flew from Hestia's hands and grazed Atlas's arm. Hestia had just driven her sword down her enemy's throat, when she hurled the knife. She shot forward and bought her sword down in a deadly arc, which was barely blocked by Atlas. While the goddess of the home and heart, traded blows with the titan of strength and endurance, her two sisters dealt with the monsters coming their way. Soon the battle was over with the gods victorious. Soon it was night and Hestia told her son to sleep

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