26: Unexpected Death

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Jungkook POV

Where am I?

Why is it so dark?

Someone....help me

"Hello Jeon Jungkook, welcome to the unknown world"

I turned around and heard a strange male voice that was kind of raspy "What's the unknown world?" I asked nervously since all I could see was his shadow figure.

"Well, this is where you decide what your fate is" He said.

I was still left confused and he could tell that just by looking at me for a few seconds.

"It's where your not dead, but not alive either" He said using hand movements to try to explain this to me more. "I-I could be dead or alive..?" I asked about to cry. "It's your choice Jungkook, for who do you live for?" He asked. "...Jimin...and...my daughter!" I yelled. "Are they all you live for now?" He asked. "I'll do anything for one more second with them! Please!" I begged.

"Well...." He said thinking. "And, what's your name?" was my second question.

"Right, I apologize for not introducing myself, I'm actually the spirit who wonders around this place guiding those who are lost, like yourself" He said to me. Even though he explained it, I still didn't understand.

"Very well, you may continue this life"

He silently opened a small portal which showed my body.

"This wasn't the first time you did this" He said surprising me. "What?" I asked. "Forget it" He smiled.

"It was nice meeting you, and....thank you" I said whispering the last part as I was jumping into the portal he made.

Jimin POV

I kept tearing up as Jin hyung tried comforting me and Soyeon. "Why does this hurt so much dad?" She whispered holding onto my shirt. "It's s normal thing sweetie" I said while holding her hand.

"I'm....I'm so sorry for your loss" a doctor whispered walking out the room.

"What?! What are you saying?!" I quickly jumped up and yelled. "Jimin, let him explain" Jin said holding me back. "You're saying he's dead, right?! Just say it! My heart won't take it anymore!" I yelled uncontrollably.

"We tried that best we could sir, but he lost to much blood. And he wasn't able to get blood from any family members" He said. "No! Let me see him!" I said falling to the ground.

He allowed us to enter the room and at that moment some man who I haven't seen before showed up. "Jungkook?! W-What?! How could this happen?!" He yelled. "Who are you?" Asked Jin.

"I'm Min Yoongi, a close friend to Jungkook...he ran away from the office the day his accident happened" He said crying. "I know that look....you blame yourself for his death, Don't you?" Jin said trying to also confort Yoongi. "Why didn't I try to stop him? I really am pathetic" He cried holding onto his hand.

"It isn't your fault! It's mine!" I yelled.

They all looked at me in shock. "I'm the one who was on that street! Jungkook died protecting me! Can't I do anything right....?" I said not being able to cry anymore.

"No....this wasn't your....fault....mochi"

The voice shocked all of us in the room, especially the doctors.

"Jungkook?! Are you....are you alive?! " I yelled hugging him tightly. Soyeon quickly jumped on the bed and held him tightly, not wanting to let go. "I don't wanna see any of you crying, please, it hurts me more than anything" He whispered.

"Jungkook...." Whispered Yoongi.

"This wasn't anyone's fault, in fact, I'm okay" He smiled softly.

He asked us not to cry, but we couldn't help it we all huddled around him.

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