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i posed with my hand on my hip as my brother, alexander, took photos of me. the sunsets were gorgeous in san diego, especially at the beach, so i couldn't possibly miss out on a good opportunity tonight.

"look away from the camera, do something different," alexander instructed me, crouching down to make me look taller. i positioned myself at a 45 degree angle, hands in my hair and looking to the side. "good, like that!" i smiled.

as he took a couple more snaps at different angles and poses, we were finally done. i paid him $30 and took him out to dinner at our favorite beachside restaurant. even as his family, he was not cheap.

"thank you so much for the photos, alex." i said as i took a sip of his fruity beer. "i'm sure my followers will love your photography, as they always do."

he smiled his iconic, toothy smile as he slid back his drink. "of course. anything to be able to get some cash and more recognition for my job. i've got a roof to put over my head!"

i laughed and shook my head. "i've realized that. you want to come over after dinner to play some cod?"

he had to think for a second. "ah shit, sorry i can't. i gotta get to work tomorrow early." he pouted his lips.

i nodded and sipped my own drink. "understandable."


after we ate and paid, i went to go my own way, but alexander followed me. "what're you doing, alex?" i asked.

he raised an eyebrow, as if the answer was obvious. "i'm walking home with you? i don't want you walking home in the dark by yourself." i sighed but i didn't argue. for how protective my brother was, i expected this and knew that if i tried to argue, he wouldn't budge.

we walked to my apartment in comfortable silence. the waves hitting against the sand made me feel calm and happy.

i felt so lucky for living in san diego.

after around 10 minutes of us walking, primarily on the beach's sidewalk, we finally got to my apartment. i hugged him goodbye and went inside, instantly getting changed into my oversized band t-shirt and shorts to use as sleeping clothes.

i laid on top of my bed, checking my mentions on twitter. gladly, i didn't have much hate, even though i was a mediocre instagram influencer. i would assume it was because of how chill i was. i never shoved sponsored products down my followers' throats or anything that would go against my own social media morals. it was just a place for me to express myself, but not as much as i wanted to.

i really enjoyed playing videogames, and i have talked about it briefly, but most of the time i'm just too scared on everyone's change of judgment. everything was going smoothly for me right now.

i got off of twitter once i got notifications of alex sending me the pictures from the sunset. i instantly texted him once i reviewed them.

y/n: thank you for the photos alex they're real good

alex: yeah ofc anytime 

i started to collect my favorites and narrowing them down to post. once i did, i put the caption as 'sunsets in san diego are probably the best things ever don't @ me. picture credits to @ picturedalexander (:'

instantly, i started to get comments from friends and fans.

sandy.sunny.sammy: y/n looking perfect as ever <3

loving_god_and_u: currently @ ing u

picturedalexander: who took those photos? they're a really good photographer!

and, of course, my best friend travis commented.


i couldn't help but smile. he was like my brother. he was so adorable and i couldn't help but to admire him. i replied back to him.

y/i/n: says you! you are more pretty you goof ily abababaaahhh

i sighed and put down my phone, staring up at the ceiling for a second. my heart felt full. i couldn't wish for anything else.

i rubbed my eyes quickly but stood up to go check my notebook planner, making sure i did everything i needed for my online college and my house chores. for how much i had to do in my life, i wasn't sure how i was capable of my waitress job, college, online persona and everything in my personal life. sure, i felt stressed at times but i was happy.

thankfully, i had nothing to do. i went onto my computer and hit up travis and cooper on discord.

y/d/n: hey you guys up for some survival minecraft????

they instantly went online to reply.

cscoop: yea im up for it give me a sec

traves: im up! im up for minecraft!

i called the boys and was greeted by their gentle voices. whenever we called, in under 10 minutes they always became chaotic. we all went on the shared survival server without anyone streaming.

just some guys being dudes.

for what seemed like not a while, it had already turned to 11 pm. "oh shit," i said as i checked the time, "i gotta get to sleep! night you guys!" cooper and travis said goodnight as well as i logged off and got off the voicechat.

i groaned as i had been sitting for too long, stretching. "ah, fuck," i moaned softly. i stood up and went to go brush my teeth and wash my face free of makeup. my face felt relieved, even though i didn't use too much makeup on most days.

i turned off the light and raced to my bed, setting my alarm on my phone. as i got situated underneath my duvet, i instantly fell into a slow, deep sleep.


a/n: hello! thank you for reading, hopefully this chapter had given you enough insight on what your character is like (: if you need clarifications or anything, go ahead and comment or anything. you'll soon enough get to meet jschlatt but you first needed to know a little backstory lol, sorry.

also, please tell me if this is being too descriptive or going on too long (or maybe the opposite!). i have a tendency to want to put everything in my mind all into 'paper', even though it's not needed.

criticism, funny comments, and/or suggestions are always welcome. thank you, again!

- vizlore

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