3. The Visitors

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The next day came, and as scheduled I woke up fifteen minutes before 5 in the morning. I did some stretching beside my bed before changing to my workout clothes. I wore my favorite beige tank top and green knee-length shorts.

The first day of training, I wore an old shirt and sweatpants and I was sweating profusely because of the summer heat. That's why on the next day, I immediately changed my training outfit.

As soon as I slipped my training sneakers on, I ran out my room and ran to the backyard. Waiting there are most of my cousins and grandpa's third in command, Joseph.

"Very good, Shana! Two minutes to five," Joseph said, removing his watch and tossing it near the door. "Everyone, to your positions!"

"Where is Andrea?" I asked my cousin, with dark brown straight hair, beside me.

She's Marika, or Mari as we call her. She's 24 years of age, and as far as I know, she's single. Her mate rejected her, or so I've heard!

"Still asleep, maybe? She's still awake until 2 in the morning. She won't be here anytime soon," Mari shrugged, going to her position with Yuki.

As soon as we reached our positions, Joseph started instructing us on what to do. For three straight hours, Joseph made us spar, making us defend and attack alternately. Only this time, Joseph will randomly include himself in attacking us. After the sparring session, Joseph stopped us and told us to go eat breakfast.

As much as I want to go straight back to my room and rest, I am not allowed to. Grandpa told me the first time that I should be able to endure the pain, since in real battle I won't be able stop and rest anytime I want. When we entered the dining room, we immediately went to our seats.

"Otousan, have our visitors contacted you for their visit? What time are they coming?" I heard one of my uncles, Ichi's dad, asked grandpa when we were already eating. I forgot we will be receiving visitors from the U.S pack.

"Ah, yes! They said they'll be by the pack territory around noon. I want you and Aaron to welcome them. Bring some warriors, if you want," Grampa Dai calmly said.

"Alright, otousan."

"Yes, alpha."

"Shana, hija?" I heard Grampa Dai call me. I'm already finished with my breakfast and was about to stand.

"Yes, Grampa Dai?" I answered sitting back down.

"Can you please check the rooms for our guests if they're all ready? Its the three vacant rooms on your side of the floor," Grampa Dai said, smiling brightly.

"Of course, Grampa Dai." I happily said before going upstairs. When I reached my door, I decided to check the vacant rooms first. The three rooms that grandpa said were the only vacant rooms out of eight rooms on the second floor's west wing.

I opened the door across my room. Like any other rooms, this room has a built-in closet and it's own bathroom. Only difference is this room has a study desk, like mine, but it is facing the door. The bed, however, is on the far left near the bathroom door. I wonder who will occupy this room that they will need a study desk. I also checked the bathroom if there are any necessities lacking but, as efficient as the owner of this house, everything is complete.

After checking all the rooms, I went straight to my room and took a long relaxing bath. The training I have been experiencing is too challenging that I would always have the need to relax my muscles afterwards. Mari said that I was too soft because I live in the city.

When I finished my long bath, I went to my closet and changed to a teal halter top and black mini shorts. I quickly dried my hair, grabbed my book and sat comfortably on my bed.

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