1. They Meet

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Loud music, people having fun, people chatting, people flirting -- all of those are around me right now. Let's also add the strong smell of alcohol to the mix.

I am currently in a famous bar in Eastwood. I am sitting by the bar holding a drink-I-have-no-idea-what-it-is. And no, I am not with anybody.

Are you wondering why I am in a bar? Alone? And drinking?

Well, to tell you the truth, I have no idea what I'm doing here. I'm not a party girl. Nor I am an alcoholic. I'm really an introvert actually. The stereotypical introvert, if you may.

But after learning my family heritage, I really need something to help me forget. So I ran out the house, took my car, and drove off. I just passed by this bar and decided, why not? There's a first for everything. And I want to test a theory. Werewolves do not get drunk.

I know what you're thinking! 'This girl reads a lot of fiction books! Runaway!'

I actually don't blame you. I really do read a lot of fiction books. And that is what I also thought when my parents told me the truth.


I am sitting on the living room couch facing my parents. They said they're going to tell me something.

"Shana, I know this will sound crazy but..." Dad started. He looks nervous. The same with Mom. Why do they look nervous? "Supernatural creatures are real."

I stayed silent. Dad continued, "Werewolves, vampires, mermaids, faeries, and other creatures. They're all real." I continued staying silent.

Dad took a deep breath, and looked me in the eye. "Shana, your mom and I are those. I'm a faerie and your mom is a werewolf."

I chose that time to speak. "So, that means I'm half of both?" They nodded. Again, I stayed silent for a little while, waiting for my parents to give the punchline.

"Are you not going to ask us questions?" Mom asked when I continued staying silent.

"This is not how I expected her to react," Dad told Mom.

And then, I started laughing, hysterically. But when I looked at my parents again, they were serious. "Wait. Are you for real? You're really...?"

"Shana, I know this is a lot to take in bu--" I cut her off by standing up and running out the door.


Who would have thought my parents were psychos? Faeries? Werewolves? There really is a problem!

"Hi, miss." I heard a male voice beside me causing me to pull from my thoughts. "Do you come here often?"

Hello, cliche pickup line!

I sighed and turned to him. "No, I don't. And I'm not interested. Bye!" I finished my drink and got off the bar. Good thing, he got the message and didn't follow me. I went to the comfort room, passing by a few couples making out.

Seriously! Don't these guys have enough decency to find a more private place to make out. As far as I know, this place has a lot of private rooms. Gosh!

I entered the ladies room and went straight to an open cubicle. After doing my business, I stepped out of the cubicle and reached the sink to wash my hands. I looked at my reflection in the mirror.

My black wavy hair is still perfectly tied with a sideway ponytail, not a single hair out of place. My dark brown eyes looking straight at me, and a little misty on edge. My cheeks are already a little flushed from four of the drinks I was having. And my slightly parted lips still have the light pink shade of lipstick. Damn! I look good despite my simple black shirt and denim pants.

Life and Death (Book 1 of Goddess Series)Where stories live. Discover now