"The Commander has requested everyone's presence in the Throne Room immediately." Nodding at Anya, the woman was walking away before Lena could verbally reply.

Lena turned back to see Kara no longer flying, instead she seemed to waking up. At least it saved her trying to wake a flying person... are you even allowed to do that? "Hey sleepy head. Lexa wants us in the Throne Room now so we need to get dressed." Leaving the blonde in the bed, Lena grabbed her clothes and went into the bathroom to change.

Unsurprisingly, Kara was still lying in bed when Lena emerged. Shaking her head, Lena grabbed the furs from the bed causing Kara to jump up as she took the hit to move. In no time at all Kara was standing next to her ready to go.

"Come on Lena." Kara was already out the door by the time Lena remembered how to move her limbs, following the Super to the Throne Room.

Arriving, they found everyone else was already there apart from Raven. Lexa sat in her Throne waiting for everyone to arrive and it would seem they were the last two. Waving the doors closed, Lexa looked at each of them, worrying Lena since she couldn't understand a reason to have everyone from her world here.

"Thank you everyone for coming so quickly. Last night when we sent some of you out to find Raven, Alex and Sara returned not only with Raven, but with another woman. She was found outside the city walls and brought through a gap Raven had discovered. The pair have been treated and are resting in Clarke's room." Lexa paused for a moment to let the information sink in.

Alex spoke. "I'm sorry Lexa, but why would you involve us in this announcement? Not that I am ungrateful to be included, it just seems strange to reveal such information to people that will be gone sooner rather than later."

It was a fair point, with the Azgeda threat taken care of with Roan in power, they don't have much reason to stay, a thought that made Lena frown. She had started to like it here at some point during her visit.

"Correct. The problem is, the woman Raven found has not been to Polis in years and has very good reasons to stay away despite my assurances she is safe. If she has left her people to travel here, something is wrong. I was hoping I could convince you to stay until we know the scope of the problem?" Looking at each of us, Lexa wasn't saying please, but it was the closest to asking she would do.

Catching the eyes of everyone, the group agreed to stay, verbalising their agreement in a chorus of.


Now that they were staying a little longer, the group moved to the next question, coming from Anya. "Who did Raven find?" Lena could guess that from the frown on her face, the woman already knew who it was, but needed Lexa to say it.


Anya looked like she was either going to hit something, cry, or both and it was a scary thought. Whatever she was going to do, it would seem she didn't want to do it there, making a beeline for the doors.

"Where are you going?" Anya stopped at Lexa's voice and Lena wondered if the Commander knew what she was doing. The tension in the air was palpable, Kara sensing so leaned closer to Lena.

"Where do you think I'm going?" Anya spoke between clenched teeth.

"Nowhere since this meeting is not finished." Lexa wasn't in the mood to deal with Anya's emotions over an old friend, that much was clear. Lena recognised the annoyed expression, even if she wasn't the one giving it.

Turning back to face Lexa, Anya took a step forward. "I should have been informed when you knew who she was." The seething anger was something Lexa didn't anticipate from her General, if her slight pause was anything to go by.

Lexa stood. "Watch your tone Anya. Your friend is fine and you have no right-"

Anya cut Lexa off with a yell. "I deserve to know the condition of my WIFE!"


The silence that fell was one Clarke hadn't felt in a long time, no one knew what to say and nothing anyone could say would make this better. Watching Anya leave the Throne Room without a word from Lexa confirmed the woman had no clue of the bombshell she had just dropped.

"The meeting is over. Until Luna is able to tell us why she came here we can only wait." Slowly, everyone took that as their cue to leave, leaving her alone with Lexa that had yet to utter a word.

Moving to stand in front of her, Clarke lay a hand on her arm. "Are you okay?" Lexa pulled her arm away.

"I'm fine." She was closing herself off again, putting up walls to stop anyone from perceiving her as weak.

"Don't shut me out Lex. You didn't know, how could you?"

Lexa looked out over Polis. "I am Commander, it is my job to know." Clarke came up behind her, wrapping her in a hug and kissed her neck, watching as Polis came to life below them.


Groaning at the pain in her leg and back, Raven shuffled on the bed only to bump into someone beside her. As the events of the previous day surfaced in her memory, Raven opened her eyes to the harsh light of mid-morning. Still in Clarke's room, she realised someone had moved her to the bed after she passed out, something she was grateful for otherwise she would no doubt be in twice as much pain.

"You're awake." Turning to the voice, she found Anya sat in a chair on the opposite side of the bed. "How are you feeling?"

Smiling at the sight of the General, Raven didn't think. "Better now that I've seen you." Anya didn't reciprocate her smile, instead frowning.

Sensing the tension in the air, Raven was about to ask Anya what was wrong when Lu started to stir beside her. Watching the woman, Raven tried to not think too much as she saw Anya's hand linked with hers.

"Yo klir ai houmon. Yo klir. (You're safe my wife. You're safe) " Anya's words were soft, but Raven could just make out what she was saying and if she couldn't, her stroking Lu's hair was clear enough.

As she translated the words, Raven couldn't help but feel a piece of her break. Again. She had again not been first choice. At least Finn wasn't married. Raven didn't get long to dwell on that devastating thought as Lu woke up beside her, reaching instantly for a knife that wasn't at her hip.

"Calm down. You are in the Tower." As Raven watched, Lu calmed, taking in her surroundings and her bandaged arm.

Not wanting to speak to the woman, Raven turned her head to face away from them, closing her eyes in the hopes Anya would let the woman think her asleep. She did.

Her words were hoarse that Raven was surprised she didn't start coughing again. "Floukru has fallen. Jaha of the Skaikru did something to them. They attacked each other. He is making his way here, stopping at Arkadia on his way."

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