5: lovely bun

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In the morning Izuku woke up to the smell of bacon, not seeing Touya anywhere in the room so he got up and found his way to the kitchen. Which was kinda hard since the place was huge.

"Touya?" He called out, standing in the doorway now.

He peeked at him and smiled, "Good morning Princess.."

The bun smiled, ears up as he bounced over and nuzzled his arm before looking at what he was cooking. "Looks good~"

"Thank you bunny~ Sit down, kay? I'll get everything for us."

Izuku was about to protest but did as he was told and sat, ears twitching every now and then.

He made eggs, hashbrowns and bacon, bringing them to Izuku on a plate. "Want anything to put on it?"

The bun shook his head. "No thanks." Izuku said and dug right in, happily eating.

Before he sat down he brought his plate over and got Izuku a napkin. "Orange juice? Milk? Water?"

"Milk please." The male said, eating a strip of bacon.

He nodded with a smile, going to the fridge and getting a cup for him.

Izuku's legs swung back and forth happily, humming.

He was happy Izuku was enjoying himself, sitting down to eat now.

The bun was the first to finish of course and downed his milk, a few drops spilling and dribbling down his chin.

He watched curiously, though tried not to pay attention to it.

When Izuku was done he wiped his mouth with a napkin and stared at the wolf.

He caught his eye. "Hm?"

"O-oh! Nothing.." the bun said with tinted cheeks, ears going down.

"What is it Princess?" He smiled a bit.

Izuku squirmed in his seat. "I..I was only watching.." the bun said, cheeks fully red now.

He chuckled, finishing his food and took the dishes to wash them.

"We're going to my moms, but I don't have any clothes still." Izuku said, getting up.

"I can go wash your old clothes if you want."

"But then she'll wonder why I'm in my work uniform."

"Wear those clothes while we go out and buy you a new outfit." He suggested with a small grin. "I can spoil you~"

"B-but I don't want you spending money on me, I don't deserve it." Izuku whined.

"Too bad, I get to do what I want~" He teased, walking back over to pick him up and bring him back over to the bedroom.

Touya had slung him over his shoulder easily, Izuku pouting. "Fine.."

He set him on the bed and moved to bring over his clothes. He pat his head and walked to the other room to wash his clothes.

Izuku laid down on the bed, hugging his large pillow.

Soon he came back into the room. "Wanna bath?"

He hopped over, clinging to him like a baby koala and nodded.

He chuckled and brought him to the bath, holding him as he started filling the bath.

Izuku purred gently, nuzzling his neck to scent him more.

He kissed his neck, licking once.

That made the bun squeak softly, biting his lip.

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