3: Run Rabbit

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The next day Izuku was polishing the glasses, mind off in space as he thought of touya. He hadn't come in today yet..

The omega was sad, ears low and against his head. He had made him not want to come back, it was all his fault..

The door chimed as an alpha walked in, the strong obvious scent screaming this fact out.

Izuku knew exactly who it was, nearly dropping the glass in his hand as he slowly turned with a horrified look. "K..Kacchan.."

An angry, red eyed blond wolf was glaring at him as they walked in.

The omega tried not to make himself noticeable, not looking at him anymore.

"Oi, nerd, you fucking work here?" The alpha snarled, scoffing as he walked up to the counter.

He whimpered, looking away still. "Y-yeah.."

Izuku's scent was fear through and through.

"Fucking stupid. Pathetic.." He slammed a hand onto the table.

The omega flinched, glass shattering on the floor. "K-Kacchan please.."

Another male walked in.

Oddly, a chill swept through the cafe, a matatic iron like scent in the air.

Izuku shivered, whimpering again with tears in his eyes and looked over to see familiar black hair and blue eyes.


'He's an alpha?'

He walked over, completely ignoring Katsuki. "..I'll get coffee. Black please."

He seemed different, though it was purely from the fact he had an underline of a scent.

Izuku nodded, shakily making his drink. Head swirling.

He eyed Katsuki from the corner of his eye, the alpha actually shrinking back. The blood thirst scent only grew for a second of two.

Izuku gave Touya his drink, gulping. He then went to clean the glass.

The scent dissipated from the air in a second. "Izuku. Is he giving you trouble..?"

The omega gulped, putting the glass in the trash and looked to him. "N..no Touya.."

The blonde growled.

"Who the fuck are you? You act all fucking high and mighty to an alpha like me?" He glared.

The ravenet's scent returned, the blood practically oozing from the air as he nonchalantly took a sip of his coffee.

He then looked at him. "You wanna repeat that, mutt?"

Izuku was so scared, shaking and crying. This was too much for the little omega.

He saw this, the blood lust leaving the air in a second. "I suggest you leave."

The blond wolf shook as he glared at him, Touya wasn't sure if it was from anger or from fear. Still, Katsuki stormed to the door and left.

Touya's scent was once again nonexistent, though normally that's how he deflected attention, all eyes were on him now as he looked over the counter.

"Izuku, are you alright?"

The omega cried into his hands, sobbing as his body wracked. It was very clear that he wasn't ok.

He sighed and walked behind the counter, leading Izuku into the back so he'd calm down.

The omega ended up hugging Touya, only then was he able to calm down. Whispering softly though. "I..I was so scared. He came in..a-and then you..your scent...I thought you'd kill him!"

"It's smart to be scared. So it's okay." He awkwardly hugged him as he sipped his coffee.

The bun fully calmed after a bit, nuzzling into his chest on instinct as all bunnies did when they were calm.

He found himself holding him a bit closer, something in his brain clicking.

Slowly an unnamed scent filled the air, almost like a vague hint of it. It definitely came from Touya, but it didn't smell like any real emotions...

Izuku found it strange but didn't say about it. Looking up at the alpha with a gentle smile and twitching button nose. "Thank you, for protecting me."

"It's fine. You may need to get back to your job though." He chuckled softly.

"Yeah..I gotta work the night shift too." Izuku said with a soft sigh, letting him go and stretched.

"Oh? That's.. Annoying, huh?" Several things ran through his mind.

"Haha, yeah. But it's pretty lax since it's night." Izuku said and went for the door. "Thanks for that tip. It means the world."

The omega gave him a big smile and left.

Touya was left in the back of the shop, smirking softly as he moved to the back and made sure the door was unlocked. Night shift huh? He had a few plans.

"Phew, closing time at last." Izuku said to himself, wiping his brow and moved the mop back and forth against the kitchen floor.

It was just him here now, humming softly as he cleaned up.

There was the sound of a glass shattering in the back room.

The bun jumped, turning around in the direction of the glass and slowly walked towards to room until he got to it.

There was a glass cup, demolished into tiny pieces on the floor.

"How did that happen.." Izuku mumbled to himself, leaving the mop and proceeded to clean it up.

The door of the room slammed shut, closing Izuku in.

He screamed again and went to open it but it wouldn't open. "I'm locked!?"

No matter how hard Izuku tried he could never get it open.

There was the door to the back, leading to the back allies behind the building...

Izuku sighed, realizing he'd have to take the back entrance where it was all dark and creepy. The very thought sent shivers down his spine.

"I hate the night shift."

With his ears all the way down he opened the back door and looked left to right before walking out into the night.

It was dark, the only light from a dim street lamp on the far sidewalk in front. The night breeze making him shiver.

Little did he know the only threat there was, was still inside the cafe, slipping out right after him a wave of the blood thirsting scent flooding the air in an instant as the predator closed in on his prey.

Izuku smelled this, quickly turning around and gasped. "N..no way..." he said, the poor bun trembling.

He was quickly cornered in the alley, a black figure with a terrifying and rather familiar scent.

The scent Touya only ever gave out.

He was pinned against the wall, the masked figure having no features besides midnight black ears and tail poking out from the long tailed coat he wore.

Izuku was petrified, about to pass out from fear when he recognized the scent and those pointed ears.


He didn't hold on for his conscious didn't last long though. The figure pulled down to mask, the striking blue eyes almost glowing in the dark, piercing into Izuku's scared eyes.

It was way too much for the bun again, Izukus eyes fluttering closed before his petite body slumped against the wall and proceeded to fall.

Of course the bunny boy was caught, being brought into a surprisingly gentle hold. He held him tight though delicately, scooping him up as he walked to the mouth of the alley, not bothering to hide the break in and went to the mini van he had in the parking lot, cuffing Izuku and drove him home.

His home

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