2: obsession

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Touya walked in a bit earlier, being the first customer of the day this time.

It was almost if the omega had been waiting because as soon as the man walked in he was already there. "Welcome back!"

He wore the biggest smile, ears up and was just so happy to see him again. Eager to please.

Touya addressed him through a nod. "..I'll take what I had yesterday.. If you remember."

"But of course!" Izuku chirped, going behind the counter for five seconds and came back out. He was obviously prepared for him.

He gave Touya his coffee and cake, though this time he gave him some little bunny balls. Which were just carrot cake balls with white frosting and cute bunny faces on them. Free for him of course.


He glanced at the bunny balls, then looked at him quizzically.

"Y-yes?" Izuku asked, feeling a little nervous now that those intense blue eyes stared back at him.

"You've given me something extra again.."

"S-so I have.." the bun said, hiding behind his tray again and shrank. Scared that the man was angry.

"You dont know me much. Why..?" He wasn't mad in the slightest, but the lack of scent from him make him almost seem like a blank entity.

Izuku batted his pretty doe eyes and took the tray down. "It's like I told you before. You seem down whenever you come in here, so I wanted to cheer you up..I think it's good to start off your morning good so the rest of your day is too." The bun said, tilting his head with a smile.

He found himself staring at his expression, almost curiously before he looked back down. "Then thank you.."

He started on his coffee.

Izuku had walked away but was watching from behind the counter. Fluffy green hair and long ears poking out.

The wolf met the greenet's eyes.

The bunny whimpered, hiding completely now just like a rabbit would in the wild. 'He saw me! He saw me! He thinks I'm creepy now! I'm such an idiot!..'

"..Oi." He called over. There was no one in the store. They were alone.

Izuku being the dum bun he is didn't reply or move. Feeling that if he stayed quiet then the man would think he left into the kitchen.

He knew he was there however. "..Midoriya."

The buns eyes widened, standing up now and looked at him with a serious face. "H..how do you know my name?"

"..I've heard another customer say it. I assumed it was you..." He murmured.

The omega sighed in relief, feeling really stupid and walked over. "Yeah, that's me. Did you need something?"

"I was just curious if you wanted to talk. No one else is here." He shrugged and looked back down at his coffee.

Izuku gaped softly, then smiled big and sat with him. Tail wagging like crazy and ears all the way up. "I'd love to!"

He glanced back over and spared a soft smile.

The bun was on cloud nine, cheeks a soft pink. "What's your name?"


Izuku smiled, leaning on his hand. "Touya..Touya..I like it! I'm Izuku."

"Midoriya Izuku, huh?"

"Mhm!" The omega hummed. Oh he had no idea just how much Touya knew about him.

"It's a.. Cute name." He murmured, somehow hearing his name from Izuku himself made it seem a lot nicer, like he was actually introduced.

'Cute..h..he called me cute! Well my name-oh same thing!' The omega thought, blushing more and looked down in his lap nervously.

"T-thank you..though, I've never really liked my name." Izuku said, twiddling with his fingers under the table.

"How come?"

"Well..it's not really that important. I've just sort of been a loser at life. Never have I done something that's memorable or great. I'm just a background character in my own life haha." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his neck.

"..odd. You've become the main character in my life in only a few days." He murmured.

"Huh? I-I have? How so.." Izuku asked, heart beating faster.

"You're very kind." He eyed him carefully.

The omega smiled, looking off to the side with a dumb grin. "I-I'm nice to everyone, well I try to be.."

"I can see it's paying off. That kindness might.. Backfire on you one day though. Be careful with it.." He smiled after this message to make it seem less threatening.

Izuku nodded. "I know that. Surprisingly..I used to be even worse with my kindness than I am now. I gave someone one too many chances and in the end it was me who was left with all the pain and hurt."

He frowned slightly, merely looking at Izuku for more explanation.

"An omega..omegas are vulnerable and weak. We're the lowest of the low. Following around any alpha that gives us the smallest kindness and won't leave even if they hurt us because we think we deserved it for being a bad omega.."

Izuku held on tightly to his knees, looking down.

"...learn to fight for yourself." He suggested. "Not all omegas need to be dependent on some bastard.."

The bun looked back up, wiping his eyes and smiled brightly. "I know that. Thank you."

"..but do you..?" He said softly, eyes never leaving Izuku's.

"Of course.." the bun said, gripping his knees tighter.

A customer walked through the door, Touya casted a dry glance to the person who walked in.

"I..I have to go. Enjoy your food." Izuku said and got up, greeting them customer with a smile and took them to a table.

He didn't look at Touya the rest of the time.

Soon he called him over to pay, having a tip ready.

Izuku gave him the bill, looking down.

He slid him the cash to pay at then the tip of a hefty 100 dollars.

Izuku cleaned the table, grabbing the money then saw what his tip was. Nearly passing out. "T-t-Touya!" The male called out, running up to him.

He was almost to the door and blankly turned to face him. "Hm?"

The bun held up the hundred dollar bill. "T-this is way too much! Take it back."

"No." He turned back around and headed for the door once more.


"Have a good day Midoriya." He walked out of the store.

The omega watched him through the window until he was out of sight and looked at the money in his hand. A part of him was still guilty, but the other was very grateful.

"This is going in my piggy bank."

Touya went to the first person that gave him the order to kill Izuku, demanding a in person meeting.

"I'm not killing Izuku Midoriya."

His bluntness was slightly surprising.

"And why is that?"

"If you have a problem with it.." Touya started, taking a step forward towards the man, slowly reaching down into his boot only to bring out a pistol, slowly bringing it up and pointed it towards his head. "..I'll kill you."

The Wolf's Bunny|Yandere!DabiDekuOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz