"Holy shit." Y/N says a little too loudly. Rachel loudly mutters a "Shhhh!", her finger plucked over her lip as her spit flies onto the papers in front of her.

"Sorry, damn" Y/N jokingly raises her hands as if surrendering. Michaels stifles a laugh as he combs through more files.

"So what exactly are we looking for?" Y/N grabs a large box, identical to the ones situated in front of the other interns, and begins reading through each little paper in each manilla folder.

"We're defending him, is what's so damn hard. And well, the person who was murdered was his wife. She was 30 years younger than him, and rumored to be having an affair with another man."

"Shit." Y/N cuts him off, surprised at how unrealistic it sounds. It's like something straight out of a lifetime movie, or some crazy crime show where everyone is secretly related or something.

"Shit, indeed." Liam replies, pausing as he tries to multitask and thinks back to what her original question was, "Oh yeah, we're looking through his marriage records and his wife's files to find anyone with considerable cause."

She nods after that, beginning to comb through her own set of files just like everyone else was. In the corner of the room was a box of her belongings, just books and things that she left behind, and she gets the odd feeling that she may want to look through them later.

"Hey Li, have you looked through those yet?" She points to the clear plastic box, it's lid nowhere to be found because it probably couldn't fit over the jagged edges of the objects.

"Yeah, we searched through them but they're mostly just junk. Some copy of a poetry book and some makeup, rich person shit you know?"

With skepticism and the need to look through the box herself, she just accepts his answer and gets to work.


It's currently 12 AM. Every other intern tapped out hours ago, Michael leaving at 5 PM sharp to be with his girlfriend, Liam leaving two hours after that because he forgot he needed to feed his poor fish that 'Just wouldn't die', and Rachel staying until ten without actually doing much except for pretending to look at things just to prove that she was a harder worker than Y/N.

Eventually, she taps out, and Y/N is alone in the spacy and messy office, the only other person in the establishment being Mr. Styles, who hasn't left his room since the morning. She wonders if he always stays this late, because honestly Y/N had never seen him leave before. Her and her fellow interns were always quick to leave.

Y/N had a good reason for her aggressive working though, she'd looked through Mrs. Laughlin's belongings, and whilst flipping through a page of her book, had stumbled across a page with indents from writing. She assumed that someone had written something on a separate piece of paper while using the book as a hard surface, resulting in curves in the soft thin pages of the book.

She took out a pencil, a piece of paper, and lightly traced the curves to find a sweet note and a name written below it, stating,

"As always, thinking of you my lovely Vivian.


Marvin Johnson"

Y/N hadn't wasted a minute, hopping onto her computer to look up different Marvin Johnson's in the New York area. She finds a variety of men - and one woman - one of them being a 43 year old telemarketer who's 5'2 and calls himself 'MJ like Michael', a few being college students, one who had an obituary from his death ten years prior, and finally one that she assumes is most likely the one who is responsible for the letter.

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