Bonus Prologue (Midnight)

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(A/N: Ok so, I thought I would post the prologue to this entire story here since I figured some of you would have been curious as to how Luna and Lincoln became vampires. Fyi, this is probably a really crappy chapter since it was still made when I still used the script style. I did make sure to fic all of the spelling errors if that helps.)
(P.S: This is actually a one-shot originally called "The Rocker stalks at Midnight" where I later decided to continue it separately. I'm posting it here since it makes sense for the original one-shot that started the story to be here. It also acts as a new chapter so I'm able to focus on another thing. So, I hope you all enjoy it!)

Lucy: Ok Fangs. I think I've finally found out how to turn into a vampire. You just need to bite me.

Lucy Loud had her book of spells open on the vampire section as usual. She had found a legit looking vampire conversion spell. As usual, she wanted to go try it in the hope of making her vampiric dreams come true.

Lucy: Hmmm... Some milk, washing detergent, sugar, sand, and dust, with a bit of ice cream. Well, good thing we have all those.

Lucy walked to the kitchen and dug around finding milk and sugar but no ice cream.

Lucy: Hmm... Leni must have it. She's watching some soap opera in the living room if I'm not mistaken.

Lucy sneaked into the living room, prepared to see Leni watching TV.. Only to see she had fallen asleep.

Lucy: Must have bored her.

Lucy took the chocolate ice cream upstairs and got some dust from a vent and sand from one of Lana's ant farm.

Lucy: Ok. Just have to brew these into my little cauldron and my dark potion will be complete.

Lucy got out a miniature black cauldron and put the ingredients in and filled the rest with water and began to stir.

Lucy: Ok. Now for the magic words. Here we go...

「 Vᔑᒲ𝙹リᔑ ╎ᓭꖌ|| ʖꖎᔑ↸ᒲᒷᒲℸ ̣ 」

The liquid inside glowed a deep red, signaling the potion was complete, getting a small smile from the goth.

Fangs hopped onto the cauldron edge and drank the red liquid.

Fangs (Thoughts): This is.. Quite strange... But master Lucy wants me to drink it so I shall. Just for her.

The bat drank more and more, finding the taste to be kind of sweet but tangy.

Lucy watched in awe as the potion took effect on Fangs, making him grow larger, hair more spikey, eyes red and scary, and teeth razor sharp.

Lucy: Yes. This is perfect. Now Fangs, bite me.

Lucy pulled her collar down, revealing her pale neck to Fangs who looked at it in dissatisfaction. He wanted something juicy and tasty.

Lucy: Fangs?

The monstrous bat bolted out if the room and looked around to see if there was anything to munch on.

Fangs(T): Hmm... Nothing around.. Aha! Perfect!!!!!

The thirsty bat had spotted the Loud family's resident rocker Luna Loud walking up the stairs.

She was perfect to eat! So tall! So pretty! So curvy! She had enough blood for an entire week!

Fangs (T): Come to Papa!!!


A screech was heard, prompting Lucy to hurry out and see Luna trying to pry Fangs out of her neck.

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