2 (The Cafe)

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A few hours had past and the Sun had set, crossing over to night time. The two vampires, true to their word were getting ready to visit this new cafe Haiku owned.

Lincoln was combing his hair while Luna was brushing her teeth to have that extra nice smile.

Luna: So little bro! You excited about going?
Lincoln: You kidding? I'm ecstatic and a bit nervous..

Luna: What makes you say that?

Lincoln:.Well... What if we get clumsy and break a few things? It'll humiliate us, Lucy, and Haiku!

Luna put her hands on his shoulders in an attempt to calm him down. She looked him into the eyes with an intense manner.

Luna: Listen dude. You're overreacting towards this. Just.. take a deep breath and everything will be alright ok? Just.. breath...

Lincoln nodded and started to slowly breath in and out to Lunas command. In and out. In and out. Soon, he had calmed down.

Lincoln: thanks Luna. Now.. let's head out!

Luna and Lincoln opened the attic door and climbed down the ladder. They went to Lucy's room and saw she was getting her shoes on.

Lucy: Alright. Follow me. Its twenty minutes from here.

Luna: Why can't we fly?

Lucy: I wouldn't be able to follow your speed. I can't teleport you know.

Lincoln: With how much you spook people it makes it hard to believe that.

Lucy: I only walk around. I just know the layout of the house so much that I avoid all the creaky spots to create little sound.

Lincoln and Luna shrugged and followed Lucy out the door and into the night of Royal Woods.

Royal Woods may have been peaceful but over the years it had become wildly different town when night comes around.

Teens snuck out to parties, drunk driving, and many many things came out to play.

Including vampires.

As it turns out, Lincoln and Luna aren't the only vampires in Royal Woods, much to their suprise. Though the other vampires don't really come out all that often due to fear, much to Lucy's disappointment.

Luna: So little sis, how long has this cafe been a thing?

Lucy: Not long. It secretly opened last week and become popular with the vampires quickly.

Lincoln: Strange. It's next to impossible to contact them.

Lucy: Haiku is friends with most of them. It's just a matter of if they return her calls.

Luna and Lincoln just shrugged and continued to walk with Lucy.

After a few short turns and a shortcut through the cemetery, they reached an alleyway.

Lucy: Its down here. Follow me.

Lucy lead them down the alley and to a fancy wooden door with a sign that said "Café du sang"

Luna: Cafe.. Do sang?

Lincoln: It means Cafe Blood in French!

Lucy: Correct. Now lets go inside. I don't want to be late again.

Luna: This is so exciting!! I can't calm down!!!

Lucy opened the door, letting Lincoln and Luna go in first. What they saw astonished them!

It was a medium sized, candle-lit cafe. Many small wooden tables were spread out the place with what seemed to be a bar at the left and a counter to buy normal things at the right.

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