(A Girl From Heaven) (Part 5) (The End) Death isn't the end

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It had been a week since my father's death. I had a dream well it wasn't a dream I talked to my father. My father is in the empty most angels in the empty are just in a sleep like state. My father was able to create his own reality his own world in the empty. He made a world for me and him so that when I died I would be with him. I felt ok because I now knew that I would get to see my father again. 3 years later Sam, Dean, and me were hunting a vampire we thought it was just one vampire but it turned out to be a nest. I had found where I thought the nest was and me and Dean went there and Sam said he would meet us there. We went in there planning on just fighting one Vampire. When we got there there was about 30 humans chained up and hooked up to iv's draining their blood. I saw all of the vampires and Dean was fighting all them and one was feeding on a young women probably in her teens I attacked the vampire and killed it other vamps tried to attack the young girl and I protected her little did I know one of the vamps new what I was and had an angel blade to fight me he tried to kill the young girl but I covered her and then my eyes glowed and I sent a energy blast killing every vamp in the room but not before I was stabbed by the vamp that knew me. All the vamps fell to the ground and I looked at my shirt and saw blood beginning to soak it and Dean saw me and ran up to me and held me in his arms.

Dean- Hey hey! Beth listen to me your gonna be ok i'm gonna take care of you i'm gonna take care of you I got you. That's my job right watch after my pain in the ass sister and brother

(I began to cough up blood and struggled to breath)

Marybeth- Than..k you.. for lov..ing me De..

(I stopped breathing)

Dean- Beth!! Marybeth! No.. No.. No no no no. Hey kiddo wake up come on wake up!

(Sam ran in and saw Dean holding my life less body in his arms crying. Sam started to cry.)

They had a hunters funeral for Me. Castiel told them that I had made a video for them to watch if I died.

——- Video Playing

Marybeth - Hi.. I am actually making this video right now March 20th, 2020. I know you are all probably very confused considering you just got back from my funeral. I am in the empty my father Silas made a reality/world in his mind for me and him to live together so that I wouldn't be alone in the empty. I know you are going to blame yourself Dean but please don't. I died saving that young girl and that is exactly how I wanted to die. Saving people is what I have always wanted to do and that is what I died doing. Sammy I know you are going to be angry at yourself for not getting there sooner but please don't be. Don't focus on not seeing me in my last moments on Earth focus on all the days we had together all the good days and bad days together. You both taught me that I can do good and I will never forget that. I love you both so much. Please stay safe. Goodbye.

This was the end of my story on Earth but I continued it with my dad.

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