(Trapped) (Part 3) That isn't Millie

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Sam and Dean went back to the bunker with  "Millie" or at least who they thought was Millie.  After a week Sam and Dean told Abigail they had a friend that could help her learn to use her witch abilities and that she was on her way over. Abigail had no choice and just agreed. After their witch friend 'Lora' was working with Abigail she went and talked to Sam and Dean.

Lora- Sam, Dean?

Sam and Dean- yah?

Lora- can I talk to you in the other room. Now!

Sam and Dean- what's up.

Lora- That isn't your sister. That girl in there isn't even human.

Sam and Dean- Millie isn't human so what do you mean?

Lora- because that person or thing in there is not a witch in any way. Yes they have abilities like a witch but they aren't. But what I don't understand is how they do look some what like both of you. Millie would give off both witch and human traits. Millie is half human

Sam- it could be a shape shifter? I will get a gun and some silver bullets

(Sam got a gun for Him,Lora, and Dean and they confronted the shifter)

Shifter:Abigail- Why are you pointing guns at me

Dean- Where is our sister!?

Shifter:Abigail- What are you talking about Dean. You're scaring me

Dean- cut the bullshit we know you aren't Millie

Shifter:Abigail- Ok well then you know so what you gonna do kill me. I mean I already got what I wanted.

Sam- What did you want?

Shifter:Abigail- For Millie to loose hope and I accomplished that. You see I have all her memories and can feel how she feels right now. She has finally lost hope in her brothers coming to save her. You know she always talked about both of you it was so annoying. She cared about both of you so much and she didn't even know either of you. She always said that you would both save her. She was so stupid.

Dean- Where is she!!

Shifter:Abigail- She is at the house you got me from. You both sure were stupid for not checking the whole house to see if anyone else was there. You just took my word for it. But she is dead now I mean who would make it a week with no water and food. I broke her arms and legs so I don't think she got anywhere. She died knowing no one loved her. You know the funny part is she isn't even evil she tried to help me the first day she got there.

They killed the shifter and went to save Millie.

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