⭐️Don't go through grieve alone

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My name is Cara Winchester I am the half sister of Sam and Dean Winchester. I have a half sister named Alexa she I am one year older than her. My mom's name was Liz she died when I was about 12. My mom met my father John Winchester.

Sam and Dean were out with friends and I was alone at the bunker watching tv. My phone rang so I paused the tv and looked to see who was calling it was my sister's girlfriend Sarah. Sarah never called me I mean I barely new her. I answered the call

Cara- Hey everything ok?

Sarah- Cara... it's Alexa she..

Cara- She what?.. Sarah what happened?

Sarah- Alexa was in a car accident.. Cara she died

Cara- I have to go

Sarah- Cara

- Phone call ends-

I was so broken and I didn't know what to do or how to feel. I went to my bedroom and took a quick cold shower and got myself together cause my brothers would be back soon. I didn't want to tell anyone about it especially my brothers. They didn't have really any relationship with my sister cause they weren't related to her. They were already dealing with so much cause Castiel had gone MIA. I kept it a secret for a week from everyone even my boyfriend James. After a week Sam and Dean were going to check out a set of weird disappearances to see if their was a case. I told them I wasn't feeling well so they went without me. They said they would call me if there was or wasn't a case and keep me updated. It all just hit me and I couldn't deal with it. I got really drunk and I smashed Dean's gleenlach single malt scotch whiskey which was incredibly rare and expensive and John Winchester my dad and his dad gave it to him and it meant a lot to him. I have to explain a lot of my past to explain why I destroyed it. My father gave me up cause he found that I was born with psychic abilities and my mom was always psychic he said the only reason he didn't kill us was cause we were "family" he used a spell to make it so we couldn't use our powers unless a power witch or supernatural being broke the spell. My sister was born "normal". I asked my dad why he didn't want me. I was only 5 years old when I asked that yet I can remember all of it. He told me I was an abomination and that I was evil. I asked him "but don't you love me" he told me "I could never love a monster. I don't love you" he abandoned me and my mom and sister. I hated him. So I destroyed the alcohol cause with my abilities I could have been able to see a vision to protect and save my sister. One of my abilities was I could see if someone I had a connection to was in danger. He in my mind was one of the reasons my mom and sister were dead. I went to my room and self harmed a ton. I then realized what I had done. There was no going back. I called my boyfriend and explained it to him.

James- Hey Cara. How are you?

Cara- I really really fucked up.. and I don't know how to fix it. I need you

James- I am on my way. Explain to me what happened

Cara- Alexa died in a car accident a week ago I didn't tell anyone. I destroyed Dean's favorite bottle of alcohol and I self harmed really bad

— Explained why—

James- I am 5 minutes away just hold on

— He arrived and ran to my room—

He stitched up my cuts. He helped me to my shower and took off my clothes and gave me a cold shower to clean my cuts. He helped me out and got me a long sleeve shirt and sweatpants. My brothers didn't have a case so they came home that night. We both heard the front door open. He told me it's ok and that he can explain everything to them if I want. I said yes so he walked to the main room.

Dean- What happened why is the place trashed.

-Dean saw the place were his whiskey was empty and walked up to it and saw the broken bottle-

Dean- ok you better have a good explanation for this

Sam- Where is Cara is she ok?

James- that's what I need to talk to you about. Cara's sister died last week she didn't tell anyone. She didn't want to bother both of you and didn't want to except what happened. Cara didn't tell you everything about John or herself. Cara was bodn with psychic abilities like you Sam. She didn't get her powers from demon blood. John blocked her and her mother's powers and her sister was born with no powers. She was angry cause she had the ability to see if anyone she loved was in danger but John took that away from her. He called her an abomination and monster when she was just a kid. She couldn't save her mother and now she couldn't save her sister. So she destroyed the liquor bottle but she didn't mean to cause you pain Dean.

Dean- I understand and am not mad at her.

James- She would really like to talk to you Dean.

Dean- ok

-Dean came into my room-

Dean- hey kiddo

Cara- hey.. I am so sorry for everything I did and every secret I hid

Dean- I understand why you didn't tell me or Sam. Also your abilities don't make you evil or an anyway less of my sister. You are kind and a good person. If you want to find a way to get your abilities back we can

Cara- Thank and I would like them but I am also ok if I can't have them

Dean- Do you want to come and get something to eat.

Cara- yes that would be great

- We ate dinner together and laughed and I was happy-

- After 3 months I got my abilities back and mastered them. My life went back to normal and I hunted monsters with my brothers and saved people.-

My name is Cara Winchester and I am a hunter. I save people and fight for good. This is only a small part of my story but it is my story.

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