(A Girl From Heaven) (Part 2) Kill the Witches

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Garth's wife Bess went to Texas to visit family. She brought her two baby boys with her and left her daughter Gertie with me and Garth. Sam and Dean called Garth and asked him to help them on a hunt. So Garth told me to take care of Gertie and that he would be back in a day. I was in the kitchen making Gertie dinner and Garth was supposed to be home soon. I called Gertie's name and she didn't answer I walked to the living room and saw two witches. Right when I got there one shot Gertie in the stomach and the other witch shot me. I used my powers breaking the leg of the witch that hurt Gertie and then the other witch attacked me while one took out Gertie's fangs I broke the neck of the one attacking me and then the other witch got away. I got up and rushed to Gertie. I had no clue how to remove a bullet and stitch someone up but I did know magic.

Marybeth- Gertie I need you to stay awake and put pressure on your wound. I am going to go get some stuff to help.

(I ran and got supplies to make a spell. I then picked up Gertie put her on the kitchen table surrounded her in ash and put all the ingredients together in a bowl. I started to say the spell but then Sam and Dean came in and saw me and her and Sam and Dean both pulled out their guns on me)

Dean- Step away from her now!!

Marybeth- I am trying to help her!

Dean- Sure you are bitch! Get away from her or I will kill you!

(Garth came in and saw everything)

Garth- Sam! Dean! Put down your guns! I know her!

(Garth ran up to me)

Garth- What happened?

Marybeth- I have to finish the spell she will die!

Garth- ok

Marybeth- Masar Lasara Natha Tacna Nada

(I then put my hands over her stomach and a light came from hands and my eyes glowed and then she woke up and she was ok. I backed up and everything was getting blurry)

Garth- Thank you Marybeth. Thank you


Sam- Hey you ok?

(Sam saw that my shirt had blood soaking it and I collapsed to the floor)

Garth- get the first aid kit!! Now!

(Sam ran and got the first aid kit and brought it to Garth he stitched me up and when I woke up I immediately got up)

Marybeth- We have to get the other Witch! The one that shot Gertie she couldn't have gotten far! We have to!

Dean- Marybeth calm down we will get her

Marybeth- My name is Beth. Garth is the only one who calls me Marybeth.

(I ran to Garth's room and got a map of the city and a knife and cut my finger and did a locator spell)

Marybeth- So who is coming with me because I don't have a car?

Sam and Dean- We will

(We got to where the witch was and Dean handed me a gun and I said I don't need that)

Witch- Well you found me. What now?

Marybeth- You die and I take your stuff

Witch- I see you brought back up this time. A Witch and her two human brothers. This will be fun.

(I used telekinesis and slammed her into a wall and held her there)

Witch- Oh. They don't know do they..

Marybeth- Shut.. Up!!

(I broke her neck and her body dropped to the ground. Sam and Dean looked at me in shock)

Marybeth- Can you please bring me back to Garth's I don't want to be here anymore

Sam- Yes..

(We went back to Garth's and Sam talked to Garth)

Sam- The Witch we killed said that Marybeth is me and Dean's sister. That was a lie right?

(Garth's face turned pale and I heard what Sam asked and walked into the room)

Marybeth- it's ok Garth. I mean what's the point in keeping it a secret. I mean so what I am their sister. It doesn't change anything. They won't want me to be anywhere near them. They kill people like me..

Sam- It changes everything.

(Dean heard and walked in)

Dean- I think we deserve an explanation to how this is possible

Marybeth- My name is Marybeth. My parents are John and Mary Winchester. They gave me up when I was 4 years old because they found out I had supernatural abilities. I was a witch and that didn't fit into John's idea of a perfect family. So I grew up with our grandmother Millie Winchester.

Sam- Why didn't you come and see us when you got older.

Marybeth- Because.. John wouldn't let me see you. He told me I was an abomination. Then John died and at that time I was just to scared to meet you. Because you hunt the supernatural and I am the supernatural.

Sam- You could come live with us in the bunker.

Marybeth- is that ok with you Dean?

Dean- I mean you did save Gertie's live so yah I guess I am ok with it

(I packed a bag and left with Sam and Dean but before I left Garth talked with Sam and Dean)

Garth- you both need to know something about Marybeth

Dean- What?

Garth- About a year ago at about one in the morning she came to my house covered in scars and bruises and blood. Her own blood. That was my first time seeing her in a year.

Sam- What did she say happened to her?

Garth- Thats the crazy part she said she didn't know. She said she couldn't remember the past year and that she only remembered running to my house as fast as she could. Something happened to her. Something bad and I don't know what it was but her grandmother your grandmother wouldn't answer the phone when I called and hasn't called.

Sam- Did you go to her house? Or did she?

Garth- No. I think it is best if we don't ever know what exactly happened to her and that she doesn't either. But please keep her safe. She is a good person. She might be a Witch but she is more human than anyone I have ever met. In fact she is a lot like you Sam and you Dean. She has been through a lot

Sam- We will keep her safe. Stay safe Garth

Dean- bye

Garth- bye

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