(Trapped) (Part 1) Millie Winchester

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My name is Millie Winchester. I am named after my dad's mom. My dad's name is John Winchester and my mom's name is Mary Winchester. I am the twin sister of Sam Winchester. When I turned 2 John noticed that I had powers because I made a teddy bear float. John brought me to a psychic friend of his she said that I was a witch and I would become a very powerful witch. John wanted nothing to do with me he convinced Mary to give me to a friend of John's named James. James was a terrible person he took kids with abilities and tortured them. This is the story of how I escaped. I was in the cage James kept me in and I heard someone ring the front door bell. Nobody ever came to James house. I recognized the two other voices they were Sam and Dean and they were asking about me! I had an adrenaline rush and I broke the panel on the door to my cage it malfunctioned and opened all the other cages. The only other cage with a person that was not dead was the one next to me with a girl named Abigail she hated me and she was a shapeshifter. Shape Shifters have super speed and Super strength. She used super speed to get duck tape and put it over my mouth and then she tried breaking both my arms I acted like both them broke but only one was fully broken then she broke both my legs. She then took my form and acted hurt and ran up the stairs and Sam and Dean had killed James and they helped her and brought her back to the bunker.

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