"Yeah... But I'm looking for another possible course as well. Maybe psychologist? Nurse? May my brain lead me to my path." She joked.

They arrived at the diner and joined the rest then ordered the Italian grill menu and the famous sogno di cioccolata chocolate dessert. They laughed and talked for a few hours before decided to head home.

"Do you have to be home by now? There's a place I'd like to show you." He took her near the edge of the city.

"What are we doing here? Are you trying to kidnap or plan a murder scene?" She looked around following closely behind him who let out a soft chuckle, lighting the way with a torchlight since it was dark and the lights from the city were barely visible.

"Here." He stated, laying out his jacket to the ground for her and sat himself down lying on the extra clothes he laid out for himself, playing soft music from his phone.

"Look up." He gestured her to lay down beside him. She lets her bun loose so she could lay more comfortably.

"Wow. This is so amazing." Taking off her glasses looking up to the tiny glistening lights covering the entire sky and the amazing purplish and blueish milky way.

"Oh gosh! A shooting star! I've never seen a shooting star before!" She squealed in excitement.

"Make a wish! Watch out for another shooting star in about... ten or fifteen minutes." He simply shrugged looking at his watch, internally smiling sensing her exhilaration.

"Do you ever wonder what is out there. Looking up there really makes us so small, makes our problem so insignificant. How vast and amazing the universe is?" She explicated setting her eyes towards the night sky.

"Yeah, that's why I love stargazing. I'm just waiting for a spaceship to just whoosh across to complete my life-long dream. It doesn't make sense with all those millions and counting of planets, that we're just the only one, right? There must be an alien." He said flatly.

"Pfft. Gosh you either watch too much Ancient Alien or you're too absorbed into Star Wars, Emperor Palpatine." She laughed, elbowed his arm and giving him a teasing look, just as he turned towards her, the moonlight shining on her face emphasizing on her strong facial features. Focusing on the irises of her blue eyes, she found herself looking back getting lost in his glistening brown eyes reflecting the light from the moon that her grin faltered as he noticed her cherry lips. Slowly leaning forward, with every inch he closes, her heartbeat quickened, ultimately closing the distant with their foreheads touching. Closing her eyes with the soft music of falling like the stars serenading, he slowly leaned in, pressing his lips onto hers, oh so gently, finally tasting her plum luscious lips that he longed. Letting his lips to linger, he took his time feeling the light and gentle kiss before leisurely pressing his lips deeper into hers slightly parting her lips allowing him to deepened and explore further. It was soft yet filled with much emotions, slow yet making her heart beats erratically. Raising his hand, he gently caressed her cheeks making her even more flustered. Her breath fell short, her face grew hot, her heart pounded. Gradually their lips parted allowing them to catch their breath. Slowly, she opened her eyes to look into his deep dark brown eyes staring back into hers, his thumb gently brushes over where his lips had lingered until a conspicuous smile formed on his lips making her smile in return.

The drive back to her home was more quiet than usual with them occasionally exchanging shy smiles or more like Alison constant blushing as he smirked. He parked his car and opened the door for her, walking her towards the house, being the gentleman as he was.

"Thanks for the ride." She voiced out sheepishly.

"No worries. Good night, Ariel." He responded.

"Good night, Lord Jason." She replied giving him an awkward wave before entering the house giving him one last glance then closing the door. She went into her room in distress. Oh gosh I just kissed Jason! No, he just kissed me! And it was the best kiss I've ever experienced. Then now, what? She wanted to ignore the fact that she just kissed freaking Jason, but his kiss still lingers on her lips that she could still feel how gentle and soft the kiss was. Taking a quick shower, she then plopped herself on the bed holding onto the phone in her hands, remembering back to the kiss which made her heart flutter and her cheeks blushed, making her grin wolfishly. Then her mind lost to the millions of bombardments telling her that it was a mistake, of all the boys, it was Jason and of all the time, it was now. While she was lost in the clouds, her phone buzzed. Opening the phone excitedly hoping that it might be from Jason, only to find the message which made her heart stopped as she read it.

Hey Ally,

How are you?

It's Leah.

-Unknown number-

What? What sick joke is this!

Her heart raced, pounding harder with every beat. Her head spin as her mind flashed back. That horrible scene kept appearing in her mind, she shook her head repeatedly trying to rid the images but was not successful. Her breathing increased and it felt like she was having a panic attack. Breathe in, breathe out. Breathe in, breathe out. Shoot!

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