I sighed and looked at Jason, "I'll talk to you later, let's catch up some time" I said while pushing the last words.

I grabbed Anthony's hand and dragged him outside. When we were outside beside his car I looked at him with my arms crossed over my chest.

"What was that?" "What?" "The way you kept glaring at Jason" He sighed and put his hand in his pocket. "He was flirting with you," He said annoyed.

"I could say the same thing!" I shouted at him. What is wrong with him? is he calling this flirting? Then what about what Carey who kept hugging and kissing him, and in front of me?

"Carey was doing the same thing to you! She kept kissing and hugging you, what do you call that?!" "She's just a childhood friend, she like a sister!"

"Jason is my middle school friend, and he is also like a brother!" I shouted back getting enough of him. "Brother? Tsk, did you see the way he looked at you?! If you like him that much then go and date him! Other girls are better than you, at least they don't flirt around when they are after me!"

I couldn't believe my ears, I couldn't believe what he was saying. He just compared me to the other girls. "Yeah, I should be like the other girls. I should love your money and not you, I should have sex with you for your money, I should be with you for your fame" I said while tears ran down my eyes.

"N-No... Z-Zoya, I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean-" "No, it's fine, you said what you wanted to" I whispered and ran away. I thought he would come after me, but neither did I hear him call me and neither did he come after me.

I went to the coffee shop and called Aayan. I told him that I want to meet him when he heard my voice he told me that he will be here fastly.

I was waiting for him in the coffee shop, after a while he finally arrived. "Baji, what happened?" he asked worriedly while seating beside me.

He looked at me and whipped my tears away, "A-Aayan..." I sniffed and he hugged me tightly letting me cry on his shoulder. "What happened?"

"A-Anthony... h-he..." "Did he hurt you? I'll kill that motherfucker" He pulled away and whipped my tears. "Come on baji, don't cry, you look ugly while crying" He teased me.

I slightly hit him on his shoulder and looked at him while smiling. "How are you? You aren't in trouble right?" He shook his head and a waiter came to give us drinks.

"No, I'm fine, I found a part-time job and bought an apartment which I'm sharing with Nadia," He said while taking a sip of his drink. I nodded and took a sip from my milkshake.

"Baji, don't be sad... How about we go on a date? We haven't had out brother-sister date for a long time" I chuckled remembering our brother-sister dates.

"Okay, then where are you taking me?" I said while he stood up. He grabbed my hand and we both took a taxi. When we arrived at the place I happily looked around.

"Amusement park! I love you my baby" I said while squishing his cheeks. He pouted while looking at me, "What?" "I'm not a baby anymore" I laughed and nodded.

"Wait here, I'll buy tickets" I nodded and waited for at the entering. He came back with our tickets and I couldn't wait till try everything. "Let's try the rollercoaster first," I said and dragged him to the rollercoaster.

After 2 hours we decided to eat dinner at the restaurant. "I'll pay for dinner," I said while we were looking at the menu. He shook his head and looked at me.

"I'll pay, it is our last date before I leave for England" I smiled while looking at him. He grew up good, it feels like he was born yesterday.

We ordered our food and talked about random things while eating. After dinner, we decided to head home. I don't want to go back to the penthouse.

"Baji, you don't need to go back" I looked at him and saw him smiling at me. "No, I'll just stay at Mia, I don't want to trouble you" He shook his head and looked at me seriously.

"I can't let you stay at her house when you have a brother here," He said and started to drag me to the bus stop. I sighed knowing he won't change his decision.

When we arrived at the apartment I could smell something burning. "Uh, not again!" I heard Aayan from behind me. We both walked into the living room, I looked around and saw Nadia in the kitchen.

"Nadia, what did I tell you about cooking?" Her baby bump was a little visible now. She turned around and smiled when she saw me. "Baji!" She shouted and hugged me tightly.

"I told you not to cook!" Aayan shouted after opening the windows. She pouted and held my arm. "But we were hungry" She pouted while looking at him.

He sighed and went to the kitchen, "Aayan, I'll cook" I said while rolling my sleeves up. He nodded and went to the living room, "Brandon is coming for a few minutes" "Minutes or 2 hours" Aayan said while watching tv.

I was making dinner for Nadia when the bell door ringed. She happily opened the door and when she came back in I saw Brandon. "Welcome Brandon" "You are lucky, you can taste baji's food" She whispered but loud enough for me to hear.

He chuckled and pecked her lips. I smiled at them and put the food on the kitchen counter. "Here you go, enjoy my food," I said and walked into the living room.

I looked behind and saw Brandon feeding Nadia. "Does he come a lot?" "Yeah, almost every day... He wanted Nadia to live with him at his apartment but I wanted her to be with me till I went to England" He said while eating chips.

"Stop eating chips," I said while taking it from him. "Baji, my chips" He whined, I chuckled and gave it to him. "Nadia, I'll be proving some of your clothes" "Okay" Aayan pointed towards her room.

I took a long bath and changed into her clothes. I went back and saw Nadia in the room, "Did Brandon go home?" "Yeah, he has work tomorrow... Baji, sleep with me tonight" I shook my head and put my hair in the towel.

"Not gonna happen, girl, I don't want to have marks tomorrow morning" She pouted and laid on the bed. "Sleep tight" I whispered and pecked her forehead.

I went back to the living room and switched the tv off, "Go and sleep" "You can sleep in my room, I'll sleep here" He said while closing his eyes.

"Aaya, get your ass up!" I said while grabbing his ear. "Okay, okay," he said and went to his room. I laid on the sofa and closed my eyes.

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