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"Ouch!" I looked at them feeling sorry while putting ice packs on them. I was feeling sorry but on the other side, I was also angry. "It's your fault," Anthony said while trying not to laugh.

I sighed and stood up, "I'm sorry for hitting you so badly, but shouldn't have messed with my kitchen or living room," I said while seating down beside Anthony.

"You finally learned a lesson," He said while putting his hand over my shoulder and pulled me closer to himself. They both looked at us shocked.

"What is going on here?" "These two are my idiot friends, Harry and Sebastian, and idiots this is my girl," He said and pecked my cheek.

They both started to laugh like Anthony just told them a joke or something. "What's so funny?" I asked confused while looking at them.

"Is this some kind of prank or something?" Harry said while laughing. I looked at Anthony and he looked at me while shaking his head.

He sighed and looked at them, "It's not a prank" They both were suddenly silent, they looked at for a few minutes before Sebastian decided to say something.

"Wow! I'm surprised, I thought your job was your girlfriend" I chuckled and stood up. They both suddenly backed away, I think I just scared them.

"I want the living room clean, I will clean the kitchen and then I'll make dinner," I said while looking at them. I looked at Anthony while he smiled at me.

"You should fresh up, then I'll change your bandage after dinner" "Bandage? Bro, are you hurt?" Harry asked worried while looking at him.

"I had an accident, nothing big," He said while standing up. Nothing big my ass, I shook my head and walked into the kitchen.

I cleaned all the mess and started to cook dinner. I made something healthy for Anthony and the rest was normal.

I put everything on the dining table and then decided to make fresh juice. I took an apple and an orange. I cut the apple and made apple juice, then I pilled the orange and made orange juice.

"Dinner is ready!" I shouted and heard their footsteps. "Wow, it smells so good," Harry said while seating down. Sebastian sat beside him and nodded while smiling.

"Bro, for the first time I'm having proper dinner at your place," He said while poring some for himself. Anthony sat over for Harry and I took the seat beside him.

"This is for you," I said while giving him his plate. He thanked me and we all started to eat while talking.

"How long have you known each other?" They looked at each other and then at me. "We've known each other since kindergarten," Harry said while taking a sip from his juice.

"Then in middle school, we became neighors and from that day on we were always together," Sebastian said while taking a bite from his plate.

"I can't believe Anthony has friends" "And we can't believe he got himself a girl who is a great cook," Harry said still shocked over what Anthony said.

"Very funny," Anthony said and grabbed my hand from under the table. I smiled and looked down on my plate. "Bro please, no funny business while we are eating" I chocked on my food.

Anthony gave me juice while patting my back. "Are you okay?" I nodded while coughing. The rest of the dinner went fine.

After cleaning up after dinner, I went up to Anthony's room to get the aid kit. I opened the drawer beside his bed and got the ait kit when I saw something.

It was a picture, I took it out and looked at it. It was a picture of Anthony and a girl, they both were smiling happily, he had his arm around her and was smiling at her sweetly.

Who is she? I thought he never had a girlfriend, who is she? Does he still meet her? Does he still like her? Just thinking about it made me sad, what if he is just playing with me?

I put the picture back and went downstairs. I was at the stairs when I heard them talking, "Don't think about it too much"

"I don't, I just miss her a lot... She meant a lot to me" I heard Anthony say. I wanted to cry, I wanted to run away and cry in silence where no one can hear me, but I held it.

What I heard after just broke my heart, "I'm going to see her tomorrow" He is going to meet her, I'm going to lose him, but I don't want to.

I slowly went downstairs trying not to cry. When I was downstairs I sat beside him. "We will go now" They both stood up and so did I.

I forced a smile and looked at them, "Why don't you stay?" "I have an important meeting tomorrow, so I need some sleep," Harry said while yawning.

I nodded and they both left after saying bye. I sat down beside Anthony and rolled his sleeve up, I started to change his bandage "What's wrong?" "Nothing"

"Something is wrong, why are you suddenly so down?" "I'm just tired," I said and stood up after finished with changing his bandage. I was going to walk away when he grabbed my hand and pulled me back.

My hands landed on his chest, while he looked down at me. "Did I do something?" I shook my head trying not to cry and looked down.

He cupped my cheek and made me look at him, "Then what's wrong?" I started to tear, my tears slowly rolled down. He whipped them away and hugged me tightly.

"What happened?" He whispered while hugging me tighter. "I-I just don't w-want to lose you" I whispered in his chest. He pulled away and smiled at me.

He kissed my tears away and then caressed my cheeks softly. "You will never lose me because you are trapped with me now," He said while smiling. He leaned down and presses his lips on mine.

He pulled away and suddenly carried me in bridal style. "H-Hey! Put me down, you are hurt" He shook his head and started to walk upstairs towards his bedroom.

"You know my room is the other way" "I can't be away from my girl for long," He said and opened the door with his foot and then closed it after.

"Hey! You could put me gently on the bed" I said when he threw me on the bed. He suddenly hovered over me, I started to breathe heavily.

He leaned down so that I could feel his breath on my lips, I closed my eyes expecting his lips on mine but what I felt was fast. He pecked my lips and laid beside me.

He chuckled and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me closer to himself. I snuggled into his chest and closed my eyes.

"Good night love"

Mr. Billionarie Doctorحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن