The next night, I am in a different bar, different part of Vegas and waiting on a different guy, praying that he is gonna be better than the last! Mia also offered to vet this guy and I was tempted, especially after the snake from last night. But I declined and sneakily did my own background check on social media. No wedding photos, no girlfriends. Single guy, reveal yourself.

Caleb, a business man in development from Reno. Although he had social media, it wasn't a playground of information. But that could be due to his professionalism, so I was going to cut him some slack.

He did arrive, he had no wedding ring or indentation of a ring. Why was I looking at his hands so much, I hear you ask? Simple. His phone was going off nonstop and I spent most of the time keeping quiet whilst he took business calls.

The night was a washout and we eventually gave up almost joking with each other every time he phone rang. I had told him to take it, before they sent the bat-signal up. We parted way, and I can't deny I was a little disheartened.


The theme continued, night after night until I was almost at breaking point. If this week had told me anything, it was that the old ways were sometimes the better way.

I've met up with a guy who thought one drink constituted for me to take my clothes off, one guy who video called his mom for her approval of me but the best one, was a guy who dined and dashed leaving me with the bill.

Tonight was the last one, the make or break. If it was break then I was going to the shelter to look at cats tomorrow, maybe a dog. I prefer dogs but cats are low maintenance and use you.

Much like men...

Better get a dog.

Matt, from Vegas, worked... I can't remember where. Seemed like fun in his messages so here I was. Waiting for him to pick me up outside a coffee shop.

It was off to a good start when he pulled up, on time, opened my door and closed it when I was in. I smiled and kept the fact I had pepper spray in my bag just in case, to myself. I also had Mia set up a tracker on my phone... Just in case too.

She knew where I'd be every 5 minutes when the signal pinged and with that piece of information, I felt a little more confident.

Matt was dark haired and had dark eyes, slight stubble and wore a pair of jeans and a shirt. He was cute, funny and well spoken. He told me a bit about himself and then listened as I returned the favour. We had a few things in common, which gave me hope that I was onto a winner.

That was until he stopped the car.

I almost laughed... Almost.

The building looked spooky, but that wasn't what had me sinking into my seat and suppressing the urge to groan.
It was the large black sign, lit up.

"Have you been here before?" He asks unclipping his belt.

"No. Have you?" I ask him.

"No, I've been dying to get here, I got us tickets as well. Come on." He grins getting out and running around the car.

His excitement makes me heart squeeze and it's because of his good nature, that I get out the car and fake my enjoyment. As we go through a set of gates, I spot a few security cameras and join the line of buzzing customers, all awaiting to get inside.

"You a fan of the show?" He asks spotting me looking up at the sign.

"Haven't seen the show." I tell him causing his brows to lift in surprise.

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