Chapter Eight.

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The match was super intense. Akari blinked in her seat and for the time, she wasn't able to comprehend anything. Actually no that was a lie, she understood as usual but it was very unbelievable. The emotion held in the Haizaki's game it was intense, raw and authentic. With each goal he made with his hissatsu techniques, you could clearly see his rage and anger but if you look deeper you could see..... his passion for football.

"Akari-san?" Nosaka's voice snapped her out of her daze.

She blinked as she turned to face him, a concerned look plastered on his face, "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine Yuuma-kun, no need to worry. It's just this game, it's really... passionate I guess." Akari smiled slightly at the pinkette.

As for Nosaka, his breath hitched and his heart was instantly filled with warmth as he heard his first name come out of her mouth. It rolled off her tongue so perfectly, just like the rest of her. He released a small sigh before taking hold of the blunette's finger and tangling them with his own.

The Inakuni Raimom were working their butts off the field and Akari couldn't blame them. This match was going to determine if they were going to the Football frontier finals which was major deal. Her and her team have already qualified for the finals after their match with Nightfall Junior High just last week with her scoring the winning the goal, alongside Akira and another teammate of hers.

In the beginning, Haizaki had scored over three goals all by himself putting Seishou Academy in the lead but that was until the Inakuni Raimon started using tactics that was managed them to tie. Akari immediately knew it was the work of Zhao Jinyun, that man was person of mystery and was quite the masterful taction.

"Alright! The game is tied in it's final stage with only a little time left." The announcer said, "Hold on! Did Haizaki nust forge his own path?!"

"Haha! Can't stop me! Playing against guys like you is a waste of time!" Haizaki had a devilish grin on his face as he dribbled the ball past Iwato. Two of his teammates running beside him towards the Inakuni Raimon's goalpost.


Inamori Asuto was running towards him, a determined look on his face. "You won't get past me!"

Haizaki grabbed the ball and jumped with it the air, startling the poor ravenette forward. Haizaki used his new hissatsu technique Perfect Penguin to score against Raimon and since Norika couldn't stop it, it became the fourth goal for Seishou Academy.

"Seishou Academy has taken the lead again! Is this it? Or can Raimon still come back!"

Looking over his shoulder, Haizaki smirked at Asuto. "What do you think of that?"

Asuto looked at him, unfazed by his nature but he still had to admit Haizaki was extremely talented yet dangerous at the same time. "You've got amazing skills Haizaki-kun."

Behind him Norika got up with a sheepish smile, "He got me on that one."

That action alone managed to surprise him but he didn't show it much of a surprised expression.

"They took the lead again." Kozoumaru said rather calmly than stressed as he expected. Heck the entire Raimon didn't seem to mind that they were behind a point.

"Hmm that's weird." Akari mumbled.

"What is it Akari-san?" Nishikage asked.

"The Inakuni Raimon don't seem the slightest bit concerned that they are behind by a point. I highly doubt that it's because they don't care about making it to the finals but my guess is that Zhao Jinyun has something up his sleeve." Akari explained.

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