[1] Zed Attacks a Wolf

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      You know that feeling you get when you look at the person you really, really like and get those weird butterflies in your stomach? Well, imagine instead that those butterflies have tripled in quantity and are now eating away at all of your organs. That's how Zed feels laying in his bed.

     His head was pounding as he reached for another tissue, his hands slightly shaking. The zombie's tears still soaked his pillow, not bothering to wipe them from his bloodshot eyes, due to the tenderness of them. He was curled up under his blankets, his soft cries muffled by the thick sheets.

     Addison had just broken up with him.

     It had seemingly come out of nowhere. He thought the date had gone great! He paid for dinner and even took her on a romantic stroll through Zombie town. She blurted it out after he tried offering a white rose, Addison then took off. He was left in the streets for what felt like hours, denying that he had heard her correctly.

     "I'm so sorry, Zed, but I don't feel the same way I did when we met." That's what she had said to him. Even thinking about it had him clutching at his heart with desperation.

     "Doggy?" Zoey whispered from behind the slightly ajar door.

     "No doggy today, Zoey. Leave me alone, please." Zed mumbled from his bed. He heard her quiet footsteps of retreat and sighed to himself.

     He dragged himself out of bed, stopping as he saw his reflection in the mirror. His skin was even paler than usual, darker bags formed under his eyes, and his clothes were wrinkled. He peeked through his blinds and found that the sun was beginning to rise. It was Monday morning, and he had spent all of yesterday and last night eating vanilla ice cream while watching sad chick flicks (Hey, don't judge him too hard).

     He was sluggish throughout his entire morning routine, making his way to the breakfast table. His father gave him an apathetic look before sliding slimy eggs onto his plate. He managed a few bites before the ice cream in his stomach protested. Zoey gave him a hug as he left and he gave a weak smile in return.

     "Dude, I heard what happened, are you okay? Do you wanna talk-" Eliza laid a hand on his shoulder when she managed to jog up to him.

     "Nah, it's cool. I'd rather not." Zed offered a forced smile to her. Eliza and Addison had gotten closer to each other in the past few months and he'd rather not talk about her to a close friend of hers. He'd thought about complaining to Bonzo at school, but he's dating Bree who's literally Addison's best friend. As much as he loves Bonzo, he didn't entirely trust him to not let something slip around her.

     Upon arriving, he could hear everybody's whispering, see them pointing at him and giggling or give pitying smiles. He'd give anything to not have had to go to school today. Throughout the day, he managed to avoid any glimpse of Addison. That is, until the inevitable disaster of lunch.

     His body physically locked up as she approached the table he was seated at. She sat down next to Bree, a few seats away from him, thankfully. She had such a bright smile on that it hurt to look at her. She turned her head towards him, before correcting herself and quickly turning back to Bree.

     He stood abruptly with his tray, dumping his trash and hastily making his way to leave, when he tripped over a foot that sent him flying. The entire snotty cheer table burst into laughter, some of the other parts of the cafeteria joining in. His face burned as he picked himself up with what little dignity he had left and managed a glare to Stacy, who had tripped him.

     He found himself in the library, messing around with a pencil. His eye caught sight of Wyatt, who was occupied with a book in one hand, and a half eaten apple in the other.

     When you've just experienced your first ever heartbreak, your mind might start to wander and jump to ridiculous conclusions; which is exactly what Zed's brain did. He recalled the few times that Wyatt had flirted with Addison when they were still dating. So, logically, he connected the dots that Wyatt had made a move on Addison and convinced her to break up with him, using his stupid wolf charm on her.

     Hot rage made it's way to Zed's sleep-deprived brain and he stomped over to Wyatt. The werewolf looked up from his book and quirked a brow at his sudden entrance.

     "Somebody take away your cauliflower, zombie boy?" Wyatt joked, offering a genuine smile to the zombie.

     "Cut the crap, Wyatt. I know you like Addison." Zed seethed, crossing his arms in an attempt to appear tougher.

     Wyatt shut his book and gave a laugh. "You're joking, right? I was only interested in the fact that she may have been the alpha. I didn't see her as a potential mate." he wrinkled his nose.

     "Liar!" Zed slammed his hands down on the table, causing Wyatt to jump. A librarian hushed him from behind a book shelf and he mumbled a weak apology.

     "Dude, what's your problem?" The werewolf rose from his seat and closed in on Zed. "Why are you acting so defensive? Just ask your little girlfriend if you're so insecure." He snarled and the other snapped.

     Zed tackled Wyatt, who yelped as he was slammed into the ground. Wyatt dug his claws into his assailant's shoulders, scrambling to remove himself from his vulnerable position. Zed got in a punch to Wyatt's jaw, but the werewolf seemed hardly phased by it. He pried the zombie's fist away from his face, forcing it to the ground as he pinned his other arm with his elbow.

     The librarian hushed them once more and they both murmured an apology to her as she left.

     "Quit acting insane, man! I'm not interested in Addison whatsoever!" Wyatt hissed and Zed scowled up at him.

     "Just admit to it! You made her break up with me!" He saw Wyatt's eyes widen and his grip loosened. Zed took this chance and kicked the other away, flipping up and brushing himself off. Wyatt sat in silence, trying to wrap his head around the already confusing situation. Watching Zed storm out of the library, the last bit of their confrontation finally became clear to him.

     "They broke up?"

     Overwhelming guilt consumed Zed during his last class. He should not have listened to his pain raddled brain. He should really get some sleep before deciding to strike someone that had no clue why he was being so hostile.

     He slumped down in his desk, head in his hands, tuning out the teacher's lecture. He could just ask Eliza about it later. He didn't feel like taking notes while he was still processing that he just got dumped, and then assaulted another student based on biased assumptions.

     He should write him an apology. No, Wyatt would see that as cowardly and he didn't need to have another person see him as pathetic today. He'd have to apologize to him before he left school.

     He heard the bell ring and shoved all his stuff into his bag as he made his way to the front of the school. Wyatt didn't seem to be particularly hung up on what happened, laughing with Wynter. Zed suddenly felt awkward slowly approaching them. He expected glares from the wolves, but Wynter and Willa gave smiles to him.

     "Hey! What brings you to us?" Wynter asked.

     "Oh! Uh, I just, I need- I need to talk to Wyatt. For a sec," He rubbed his neck, breaking eye contact.

     Wyatt stepped forward, "You guys can go ahead, I'll meet up with you at the den," he waved them off and they nodded before they left.

     "You're not gonna pounce on me again, are you?" Wyatt teased.

     Zed turned red, "I came to apologize about that! I wasn't thinking straight, and I just wanted any other explanation for Addison suddenly leaving me. I'm sorry I took it out on you." He tried to make himself as small as possible as the weight of his actions were realized (which was hard for somebody 6'2").

     "It's fine. I understand that break-ups are tough. Not to make this any more weird, but you can like, talk to me, if you need to," Wyatt shrugged his shoulders nonchalantly.

     "Uhm, yeah, thanks." Zed stiffly waved goodbye and swerved on his feet back towards his house. He couldn't wait to crash into his bed and go to sleep.

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