Chapter 9

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"Sorry to drop by unannounced Di" Rachel said, entering the apartment as if she owned it herself, "but hey it's so nice to see you again"

"It's nice to see you too Rachel" Dianna answered as she closed the door while Eris watched on, clearly annoyed at the visitor's presence

Rachel was quick to catch on to Eris's unwelcoming vibe as she put her bag on the floor and flopped down on the couch, "I see you have a new roommate and she's hot too" she turned to Eris and showed a teasing smile, "hey, I'm Rachel, and you're...?"

"Eris" Eris simply replied then turned to Dianna, "I'm going to my room"

Dianna didn't even have time to respond as Eris was quick to leave the room and head to her own bedroom. Dianna looked on, unable to stop Eris from isolating herself

Once the door was heard shut, Rachel looked at Dianna, somewhat amused, "someone's a little grumpy, did I interrupt something back there?"

"No you didn't and there's nothing to interrupt anyway, we're just friends" Dianna answered, slight disappointment in her tone, "So, what brings you back here?"

"Right. About that, I was wondering if I could crash here for maybe a day or two, just until my sister sends me money. I kind of ran out"

"Alright, but can I know how that happened? you're usually so good with money"

"Yeah, um, here's a funny story. Y'know those popular dating apps? Well, I decided to try it and I eventually met someone there. We talked for a solid 8 months before deciding to meet up" Rachel started to explain, "She told me she lived in this city which is great since I'm familiar with this place, so I bought a plane ticket, flew here a week back, met up with her and went on several dates"


"Here's the funny part, turns out she's a very good, very hot...swindler. We went to a bar and we got mad drunk then we went back to my hotel room, had sex and when I woke up the next day, all of my things, phone, wallet with all of my cash, my ID's and credit cards and all of my expensive things are gone"

Dianna just stared at Rachel, worried but also very flabbergasted at what happened. This was such a surprise since she knows Rachel was very smart and careful when it comes to these kinds of things

"She left me a few clothes and my passport but other than that, I got nothing. I only managed to pay for my hotel up to just until yesterday. I left the hotel this morning. I reported the incident to the police and phoned my sister so I could borrow money to pay for plane tickets back home. So yeah, that's the whole story" Rachel said, quite disheartened, "Funny right?"

"Not at all Rach" Dianna said with a worried tone, "Did she hurt you or anything?"

"Nah, I'm fine, just a little shook I guess. I mean, I couch surfed in different countries lots of times and this hasn't happened before. Guess online dating is a different world"

Dianna went to Rachel and gave her a comforting hug, "Don't worry, you can stay here as long as you need"

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you"

"Always" Dianna smiled

Rachel sighed, "This all feels really shitty Dianna, and to think, I was seriously considering going steady with her. She's just the sweetest girl and she made me feel wanted. I actually wished to be in a stable and happy relationship with her then she does this..."

Dianna patted Rachel's back and placed her arm around her shoulder, pulling her close, "Hey, it's okay. This will pass and you'll meet a nice girl who deserves all your love and your occasional flakiness when it comes to well-planned, out of town trips"

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