Chapter 1

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"And finally, I wish for a million dollars!"

A man on his mid-20's wished as he tightly held onto a golden, rustic-looking pocket watch.

A young woman stood by, not amused. Strands of shiny blue grey hair sticking out at the bottom of her beanie, she wore an all black long sleeve shirt and comfy pants, her face covered with a white mask similar to those that phantom owns in that one musical.

"What exactly would you do with a million dollars?!" she questioned

"Buy things of course! Like a car and house and a giant flat screen TV!"

"Wouldn't it be easier to just wish all that stuff instead of a million dollars, I mean having that big amount of money on your disposal could endanger your life. Word gets around; a few burglars hear about it, they come after your wealth and bam! You're dead!"

The young woman explained with exaggerated gestures, "Do you want to die young and leave all that money behind for your relatives to get their grabby little hands on?"

The man pondered for a bit then answered, "You're right! They can't have any of my things! I won't let that happen!"

"Then you know what to do!"

"Eris! I wish for a brand new car, a new flat screen TV and a new house!"

Eris smiled in victory, "Your wish is granted! The moment you opened your eyes at the crack of dawn, your wish will be at your disposal!" she announced then ran as fast as she could away from the man.

Once out of sight, Eris finally dropped the whole charade and yelled out of frustration

"Fucking mortals! Every fucking decade there's always has this one douche who isn't satisfied with everything they own! He already has a car for fuck's sake!" she stomped around, "Where am I supposed to get a brand new car? Those are expensive in this goddamn economy!"

An immortal being; that is what Eris was, alive and breathing in centuries. All because of one single wish

"This is all that fucking deity's fault!"

Her situation would've been easier if she actually has magic powers but the only power Eris has was the one that's keeping her immortal. Other than that, when it comes to these extreme mortal wishes, she's practically hopeless.

"Better get to work. I have to get my pocket watch back" Eris sighed and headed to the wealthy subdivision a few miles away from her "master's" house

She may have no money but she does have her immortality, a few learned skills and a black mask.


It was the middle of the night and Eris was on her way back to her master's home, in a brand new Mercedes Benz with a big flat screen TV at the back seat. At the front passenger seat was a key to an empty house along with its papers.

In all those years Eris went through, she learned a lot of skills here and there which she used to her advantage.

Once she arrived, she parked the car in front of the house and waited for dawn. And just like Eris said, the man had his wished granted the moment he opened his eyes.

"Here are the key to your new house and the key to your new car" Eris said while the man gawked at his new vehicle and the flat screen TV at its backseat

Eris handed the man the keys, "Can I have my pocket watch now?"

The man happily agreed and handed Eris her watch. Eris quickly pocketed it and left the man and finally the city altogether. She'd done enough trouble here.

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