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There was blood everywhere. Bodies of both Leidenschaftlich as well as enemy soldiers lay on the moist surface of the headquarters - lifeless, limbless. The rainwater splashed under my boots as I ran towards Gilbert, who leaned against the wall for support.

But even as I ran, I could not make my way to him. I could not make it. The stairwell that he sat on was stained with endless pools of blood. My arms extended, trying to reach him, but to no avail.

I tried calling out to him, however, my voice was inaudible. The Major was at his final breath. Even though I could not speak nor embrace him, I was able to get his attention. He turned my way and smiled genuinely,

"Thank you for everything, Violet ..., I love you, from the bottom of my heart,"

No, no ... I thought. You cannot leave, you cannot go like that! I wanted to scream, but some invisible force was resisting every push I had exerted. I was overwhelmed with shock when his eyes shut, and his arm fell lifeless beside him.


I jolted awake. Sweat dotted my crease, and my clothes stuck to my body. I attempted to wipe the sweat off, only to realise a cold, heartless metal had came in contact with my skin, sending shivers down my spine. But of course, I thought. Prosthetics.

Just two years ago, I had lost both my arms during the war. Just by looking at them brings the unpleasant recollection back to my mind. "How are you doing, miss?" One of the nurses asked. I caught her name tag in the corner of my eye. This one is different. Koharu ... She had brought with her a bronze-coloured tub of water.

After the war, I had been collected from the battlefield and sent to one of Leidenschaftlich's hospitals to rejuvenate. I watched as she submerged a towel deep into the tub before pulling it out and releasing excess water with one twist. I flinched at her close proximity as she reached out to dab the towel on my forehead.

"How are you feeling? Another nightmare?" She asked lightly.

I sighed. There is no point in becoming enemies with this woman anyway. I thought in my head. But it is also none of her business asking whether or not I have any nightmares recently. "I'm fine," I answered simply.

"It's normal, you know," she submerged the towel again, but this time, she left it drowning inside the tub. My brows raised at her comment, and she elaborated, "whenever soldiers come back from the battlefield, they will always have nightmares. Even the Major himself has his own."

I grabbed her arm just as she was about to leave. My metal fingers clamped around her flesh, and she turned back to face me, her eyes wide in fear. Good, I thought. "What do you know about the Major? Where is he now?" I demanded.

"You mean ... Major Gilbert? Technically, he isn't a Major anymore - he was promoted to Colonel recently, but -" My grip tightened around her arm. She winced, "I don't ... know!"

I released her, and she immediately scurried off. As she started to leave the room, a pair of soldiers entered the room together. I watched as she curtsied before them and continued her way. My fingers clenched into a tight fist as they approached the side of the medical bed.

"Don't worry, soldier, we mean you no harm," one of them told me, but I am sure my expression meant otherwise. "We know you are still recovering, so we won't waste any more of your time."

"As there are a lot of soldiers recovering from the war, there are also many who are volunteering themselves to serve the country. The positions in the army are tight ; especially in the Colonel's unit. He wants to make sure you still have what it takes to prove yourself worthy of your position," the other explained, "by tonight, you will receive an envelope all the instructions you need in it. Find the package, and deliver it to the address. We hope this mission will be a success to you. Good luck, soldier."

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