3| Do I Look Dangerous?

Start from the beginning

"Good, cause I've been starving since we learned how to order food in English and Japanese. I think it's stupid that we have to learn the languages of other countries that we don't have to go to. What do you- Prince Waylon?"  I look to my side but Waylon wasn't there and I start to panic. 

Until I turn around and find him a few steps behind me, keeping his head down as he walked in a straight line until he bumped into my chest. 

"Oh," he hiccups out of surprise and looks up to find me. 

"What are you doing?" I ask him and he looked fearful for a second. 

"I thought- you said-"

"No, why are you not next to me?" I ask him and he toys with his hands. 

"I'm just a beta, Juniper says an alpha should never walk beside their inferiors," Waylon explains and I'm left in shock. Why would she say something like that? And to her own twin brother of all people. 

My father shared the same sentiments and that's what got him killed. I used to be the same way until I learned from Alpha Mason that everyone has an important place in a pack. 

Why does Juniper not share the same views as her own father? 

"Well, I'm not your alpha so you can walk beside me," I convince him, even though I would let an omega walk beside me, nevermind a beta. 

"Are you sure?" He asks and I wave to the spot next to me, he gulps as he does so and we start walking together towards the refectory. 

"So did you hear any of my conversations before?" I ask him and he nods. 

"Mhm, but you can call me Wei," He gives me permission to shorten his name and I'm thankful, even though Prince Waylon is a beautiful name it sure is a mouthful. 

"You can call me Alex," I offer, but he rejects it with a small head shake. 

"No, Alexei is too pretty to shorten," he says and just hearing it roll off his propper tongue gives it a different feel. Waylon walks close to me with our arms just brushing against each other with every step. 

"Are you sure you want me next to you?" He asks and I'm confused as to why he would even ask.

"Of course, why?" I ask and he looks around the crowded halls. 

"People are staring," He says and I take my eyes off him to find those who were talking while roaming the halls. People looked at us out of curiosity probably wondering who Waylon even is and why he's walking next to me. 

Little did they know he's their next king. 

"Ignore them," a small growl leaves my lips as I glare at those who stared and Waylon whimpered slightly. I look over to find him now holding himself and blushing deeply as if he wanted to curl up into a ball and die. 

Where did all of his confidence go? 

We walk into the refectory and I feel my stomach growl as I grab a tray, filling it easily with a sandwich, fruit, and some snacks as we passed every station. I looked over and find Waylon's tray only has a single peach, a water bottle, and some yogurt. 

I want to say something but stop myself because he's so shy and fragile. It took a bit of convincing just to get him to walk next to me so we'll work on eating more later. 

We sit down and he takes a bite of his peach first, moaning softly in a way that makes me jealous of fruit for god's sake. 

"Been forever since I had one," Wei mentions when he sees me staring at him and I shake myself out of my daze. 

"What peaches? Aren't you like a prince who can eat whatever you want?" I ask and he giggles a little. 

"Juniper says they have too much sugar so I eat them when she's not looking," he explains with a small smile and I'm glad to see him get comfortable for once. 

"That's cute," This guy could be stealing cookies or candy but instead he likes peaches? Be still my heart. 

"So why am I dangerous?" I ask him outright and he raises his perfectly arched brow. He takes another bite of his peach and scrunched up his face, licking the juice from his luscious lips. I always wanted to be this close to him for more than a few seconds and now that its finally happening it feels like I'm in a dream. 

"You're bigger and stronger so it's easy for you to hurt me," He says first and I roll my eyes. 

"A lot of people are bigger than you Wei, are you scared of everyone?" I ask and he shakes his head. 

"What if I'm all big and strong because I want to protect you?" I ask him and his blush spreads across his pale cheeks. 

"Protect me? But why?" He asks and it was a valid question.

Oh, Waylon, where do I start? Maybe because I've liked you for years, you're a sweet innocent angel, and you're so beautiful I can barely stand the fact that you'll never be mine. 

God, his mate is going to be so lucky to have him. 

I swear if they reject him and break his heart, I'll snap their neck right at the ceremony. 

"I dunno peaches, maybe because I'm not the big bad alpha wolf you've made me out to be," I wink as I take a bite of my sandwich and he looked stunned.

"You're so weird," Is all he says and I'm hurt by the stereotype. 

"And so-"

"Alex! What a surprise!" Princess Juniper's bitchy voice appears beside me as she puts down her tray next to Wei who instantly shuts down, eliminating any progress I've made. 

He even puts his peach down and to the side but Juniper already saw it. 

"What have I told you about those?"

"I didn't eat it all," 


"Leave him alone," I fight for Waylon and Juniper looks at me surprised.

"I'm sorry Alex, I'm forgetting the point in this conversation where I asked for your opinion," Juniper bites back but I'm not one to give up a fight. 

"And I forget the chapter in human decency that states you can be a bitch to your twin brother. Guess we both have awful memories," I smirk and she looked shocked for a few seconds but blows me off. 

"What were you two talking about hmm? Waylon's plans for the kingdom? Your soon to be takeover?" She asks and Wei drops his hands to his tray with such a sad half-hearted smile that I wanted to cut the bond between them.

"I learned all about mama and dad today in history. If only we had it together and they hadn't separated us. We could have been a treat for people to see. I would have given you some of the spotlights of course," Juniper offers Wei as she flips her hair back and dives into her salad. 

"So Alex, any big plans for the future? What do you think your mate's gender will be?" She asks and I finish eating. 

"Honestly the only person who needs to know my plans is the current alpha otherwise known as your father and who I prefer to love is none of your damn business. I'll see you tomorrow Wei," I wave goodbye to the sad boy who holds my heart and he looks up at me as I take my tray.

I don't want to leave him but I have to, not wanting to associate with a bitch like her. 

Because If I hear one rumor about Juniper and I dating or hooking up, I just might vomit. 

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