
It was midnight.

And while the world was sleeping, Genesis was still and always up to face her demons.

It cold, dark night reminded of just how alone she was. Just how impure and cruel she really is. It has been months on top of months. She had been in this cage, rotting away and feeding the thoughts of her insecurities. Months on top of months, that she had been separated from her mate.

But, it wasn't the fact that Genesis was in a cage and enduring the worst treatment possible, for she had endured far worse. It was the fact that she was away from her mate. It was the fact that he wasn't here with her. Though, she never wish it upon her worst enemy to be in a position like this with her.

It was the fact that her mate had not found her, that he was very far away from her to the point where all the connection and security she felt with him being miles away was completely gone. It was the fact that she couldn't hear his voice, let alone feel his spirit anymore.

What scared her more was the fact that as the days went on, and she sat in this cage, rotting her life away, she could feel her feelings going away as well. Genesis could feel the love that she felt for the number one man in her fade away, as if it was being covered up and now clogged.

It scared her how she couldn't seem to fathom the fact that the one thing that kept her good in this world was slipping away from her. Genesis didn't want to feel it, neither did she want to come to that harsh reality. If she had succumbed to those thoughts, then she might as well have been good as dead.


"Rise and shine princess." A voice says making her open her eyes abruptly. "It's time for another experiment."

As the guard came up to her, Genesis timed herself. Once his face was in close proximity to hers, she connected her head with his, causing the guard to fall back and groan in pain.

"You bitch." The guard grunts, trying to steady himself. Genesis tried to unchain herself as the guard tried to compose himself. She wanted to at least try and make it through her cell door to have the least bit of freedom.

Before Genesis could even touch her chains, she was slapped square in the face, the ringing in her ears becoming almost deafening.

Tears streamed from her eyes, making her bite her lips to surpass the pain.

"If I didn't listen the boss, I would have zuo you already." The guard said, spitting on her.

The krysters spoke a different language in order to communicate. It's a scared language and isn't supposed to be spoken among others. Zuo meant kill, destroy or hurt and despite them hardly ever speaking their language, Genesis understood them completely.

"Go to hell, all of you." Genesis whispered, her view concentrated on the ground. "You'll all be very sorry when my mate comes to save me."

The guard chuckled.

"Sweet little thing." The guard purred, pushing back her hair to examine her already red and swollen cheek.

Genesis body shuddered in fear and disgust, her rage seeping within her bones.

"If your mate, even cared for you in the slightest, he would've already been here to save you. And if you're doubting him now, question the love he has for you to go so long without having you in his possession."

The rage Genesis had suddenly disappeared.

As if satisfied, the guard began to unchain her hands, dragging her up to meet his already tall frame.

"That King of yours doesn't give a near right damn about you. So give up on him fighting for you."

Genesis body became limp, causing the guard to grunt as he began to carry her already malnourished body thought the cell door.

It wasn't the fact that she was slapped, no, it wasn't the fact that she was being treated as if she was some sort of nuisance. It was the fact that the guard had voiced the very thoughts that we're eating away at her body mind and soul.

It was the fact that, even though she tried to escape the harsh reality, Genesis knew deep down in her heart that those very thoughts....

Were absolutely right.


*scratches neck awkwardly* well, this is gonna be a tough one.

Hey guys! I know you're all mad at me and before you even begin to curse me out, lemme just tell you why Series 2 has taken so long to be published.

1. 2020 (that's pretty self explanatory)
2. I'm mentally fricked from school
3. The motivation to come on wattpad, much less to write was the lowest it's ever been.

And I truly apologize! But, I'm back and I'm so happy to be writing for you guys again! Thank you so so so so much for not giving up on wittle ole me. I promise to make it up to you guys with this series and my other book "Double the Trouble"

I'll give everyone about 2 weeks to notice that the Series 2 is up and then I'll post the next chapter. But, in the meantime, tell me how you guys have been! Let's talk in the comments!

See you there! ♡
Love~ Kam.

The Queen's Sunrise | Starkys Series #2Where stories live. Discover now