Rhythm of Your Heart

Start from the beginning

     "Yes, we are all good Mitch. DJ here just told me she has never liked me, not even now, can you believe that?" Harry said with a chuckle but my face grew red.

     "I can believe that actually, Harry. Your ego is just a little too big," Mitch said walking to the open chair and sitting down on it.

     "See, it's not my fault I was more of a Niall girl in my younger years," I said not directed at anyone but Mitch began to laugh.

     "I'm going to tell him that," Harry said reaching for his phone that he put on the table, but I was faster.

     "You will do no such thing." I flung my foot out kicking his phone out of his reach, but with a little too much force and it went flying off the table. All of our eyes grew wide as we all just stared at my foot. I wasn't sure what was about to happen but I couldn't help the laugh the came out, and theirs followed. "I am," I tried to speak between laughs, "so sorry. I guess I don't know my strength."

     "Don't apologize, it is just a phone," Harry said trying to control his laughs and falling back into the couch. When the laughing began to die down I realized I never introduced myself to Mitch.

    "I'm sorry, I'm DJ," I said as I stood up and walked toward Mitch with my hand outstretched towards him. A smile grew on his face and he grabbed my hand with his.

     "Yes, of course, I remember you, I think we all do. I am Mitch. I play guitar for Harry." Of course, they all remembered me. I was dressed like a huge pumpkin holding a sign and Harry called me out in front of the whole stadium. "I have one thing to say though, when are we going to have the privilege of meeting our tour mascot?"

     "What do you mean? Who is your mascot?" I asked, not sure what he was talking about.

     "Your niece, Gabby." I looked at him with a confused look. "Harry showed us. She is lovely. We unanimously voted her tour mascot." I turned to look at Harry who just sat there looking at his phone with a smirk on his face.

     "You showed them, Gabby?"

     "Of course. She's my favorite human. Besides my mom. Anne is wonderful." I couldn't hold my smile in, as he stared up at me. "What? Why do you look like that?" He asked.

"Nothing. Nothing. No reason. She is just my favorite person, too," I said shaking my head but he returned my smile.

"Anne is your favorite person, too. That is sweat. I'll tell her you said that," Harry said with a chuckle. I rolled my eyes at him and turned back to Mitch.

"Well as of right now she will be at the show in Colorado. That is the plan at least," I told Mitch in regards to Gabby. When she met Harry I knew she would freak out. There was a knock on the door and we all turned our attention to Jeff walking in.

"Alright gentleman, it's time to get ready. Jenny has about fifteen minutes left." Both guys stood up moving towards the door. "DJ, you come with me. I'll bring you to your seat," Jeff continued motioning for me to follow him.

"My seat?" I asked. I figured I was just hanging out in the green room.

"Yes. You didn't think we would leave you in here did you?" Yes. Yes, I did, I thought to myself but outwardly shook my head. "Well let's go." The guys were waiting for me to walk out of the room so I turned to Mitch.

"Good luck and have fun out there." He leaned in hugging me.

"Thank you, DJ. See you later," he said as he walked out the door and I turned to Harry. I had a sudden urge to tell him something I felt he needed to hear before he went out there.

"Can I talk to you for one second?" He nodded and turned to Jeffrey.

"I'll be right out here, don't take to long," Jeffrey said as he closed the door.

"What's going on?" Harry asked as he stepped a little closer to me his arms crossed over his chest. I took a deep breath, trying my hardest to step out of my comfort zone.

"Nothing. I just need to tell you something," I said grabbing Harry's arms and pulling them out of his stiff stance.

"Okay...? Please continue," he said looking down at where his arms were in my hands.

"There are thousands of people waiting out there for you. You are amazingly talented and funny. They don't call you the king of entertainment for nothing. You are so kind and welcoming. You make everyone who sees you, happy. Myself included. You create a safe space for all of these people to feel okay to be themselves. Don't ever tell yourself what you do isn't great because you are amazing." I stepped closer to him and stood on my tiptoes to reach his face planting a kiss on his cheek a spark leaving my lips and hitting him with a sharp sting. I stepped back, keeping eye contact with him as I pulled away. His eyes were large as his hand automatically came up to his face.

"Thank you. I needed that," he said holding eye contact and not removing his hand from his face. I smiled up at him and nodded.

"Just as you are here to remind me, I am here to remind you. I better go," I say as I point my thumb towards the door. "You are going to be as amazing as always. I'll see you after?"

"I'll find you," Harry said with a smile. I turned towards the door leaving Harry standing there watching me leave. I met Jeff in the hall and followed his lead to my seat, all the while thinking of the spark that left me and entered Harry.


I could see the stage and the crowd pretty well from where I sat in the audience. I was on the right side of the stage just behind the guardrail after the floor. I was enjoying sitting over here and just watching everyone and vibe. Falling had just played and as he ran back to the main stage the crowd was going nuts. Adore you, was on next and as Harry reached the stage a chant began to spread throughout the stadium.

"FISH SONG, FISH SONG, FISH SONG, FISH SONG!" They all shouted in unison. I quickly pulled out my phone and began to record. Gabby would want to see this. Harry made it back to his microphone stand and I focused the camera on him. He grabbed the microphone and dragged the chord along with him as he walked to the edge of the stage and leaned over cupping his ear. Somehow the already loud crowd got louder. "FISH SONG, FISH SONG, FISH SONG, FISH SONG!"

"Alright alright, I hear you. I think all of Canada heard you. This one is for Gabby and her aunt," he said as the beginning beats started up. I stopped the recording and quickly sent the video to Chris, telling him it was okay if he wanted to show Gabby.


The last song of the set ended and Harry just stood there breathing and smiling as the crowd cheered.

"I appreciate every single one of you. Thank you for feeding my ego and showing up tonight. I want to ask one more favor. Are you up for it?" He didn't even have to tell them what it was, they were all up for anything when it involved him. I wasn't sure what he was doing, this was new from the other nights. "Alright great! On the count of three, we are going to say goodnight to my dear friend, Gabby. So make sure you are as loud as possible. Ready?" I quickly brought my phone back out again as everyone yelled once again. "One. Two. Three. Goodnight Gabby." The whole crowd yelled.

I couldn't stop smiling as I hit send on my phone and heard the ding of the delivery to my brother. I looked back up to Harry and I wasn't sure if he could see me or not but he was starring in my direction with a huge smile on his face as he did his signature kisses to the crowd.


I am so sorry this chapter took forever to get out. I have been caught up with my live stream I am running. This isn't the best chapter but I like it. I hope you do too.

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