All You Need To Know

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Harry's POV

"Why didn't you tell me you were going to see her or that she was in Florida?" I was trying hard not to raise my voice, but as I looked down at the magazine that was in my hand I couldn't help but feel betrayed a little.

We had been in Texas for the five days and today we were finally headed to Colorado. We had stopped for gas and it was the first time in days I had decided to bring myself out of the bus when we stopped. The thought of me being close to DJ even if we weren't together made my stomach finally stop hurting, for what felt like months.

I placed my sunglasses on my face and pulled up the hood of the sweatshirt that still smelt like her. I knew she would have laughed at my "disguise" if she was looking at me right now. The thought of her laugh brought a laugh to my own lips. This was ridiculous. I just needed to man up. If I could just tell her that I understand and that I'm not going anywhere then maybe she would finally feel safe enough to let me in, but I knew it had to be on her terms or she would just run again.

I stepped off the bus and moved my feet quickly into the store, grabbing a bottle of water and a bottle of apple juice. I never did before but now I catch myself at any opportunity reaching for juice. It doesn't matter the kind, all of it reminds me of her. I made my way up to the counter and that was when I saw her. She was front page on one of the million tabloids that sat before me. It was a small image and I could barely make her out but I knew it was her. It was a cut out of her but I could tell she was either at a pool or at the beach. Her hair was pulled into a ponytail and she was wearing a swimming suit cover. I pulled the magazine off of the stand and quickly flipped to the page in which they said the article was on.

There she was. In a much larger view. There were many photos of her spending time on the beach with a male figure whose face I couldn't see but knew very well. I slammed the magazine on the counter along with the water and juice, as my stomach began to turn. The man behind the counter shot me a sharp look but said nothing. I was glad he didn't. I picked up my purchased items and booked it back to the bus. There was a man I needed to talk to.

"Why didn't you tell me?" I continued, looking at George. George looked from me to my hands and back to me. I didn't have to show him for him to know what I was talking about.

"If I'm being honest we didn't need you storming over there."

"Who are you to keep something like this from me?" I asked as I felt my skin start to heat up.

"Harry. I was just trying to do what was best for not only you but also for DJ. I didn't know how she would feel about me just showing up. I didn't want her to start panicking if she saw you. Besides, what would you have done if you saw her?" I took a deep breath. I knew he was right. It was just the thought of being so close to her but not knowing. I didn't get to touch her soft skin one last time or to twirl my fingers through her messy hair. I didn't get to tell her that she was mine and will always be mine no matter what.

"I would have kidnapped her," I said with a sigh, not sure if I was actually kidding about that.

"Exactly," George said, taking a seat on the couch as the bus began to once again take off.

"Do you think she will come? I know it meant so much to Gabby but that doesn't mean she will come," I said as I began to pace back and forth.

"Why don't you try talking to her?" George said motioning to where my phone sat on the table. 

"I've tried that. So many times. She never answers," I said shrugging.

"Have you tried recently?"

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