Absolutely Smitten

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Harry's POV 

     "Have you seen DJ?" I asked James, one of the guys in the set crew, as I exited the green room. James just shook his head. The last time I saw her was right after she kissed my cheek and left the room before I went on. My hand involuntarily went up to my face remember the spark that hit me with the kiss. I wasn't sure what that meant but I liked the feeling of it. The thought of her lips brought images of her lips on mine into my head. I wanted that but as soon as I thought the thoughts I pushed them away. We were just friends. DJ was different though. I wasn't sure what it was but she made my heart beat faster just thinking about her. I shook the thoughts out of my head. 

      "Hmm. Where is she?"

     "Where is who?" Mitch asked coming up to me and placing a hand on my shoulder. 

     "DJ. I figured she would meet me back here after the show but she wasn't here when I got here and no one has seen her," I said looking around us to see if I just missed her and she was talking to someone. 

     "I seen her still sitting in the seats when I was helping the set crew, maybe she is still there?" Mitch said shrugging.

     "Maybe, I'll check. Thanks. I'll see you later bro." I grabbed Mitch into a bear hug. I was lucky enough to call Mitch one of my closest friends. I wasn't sure where I would be without him. He keeps me going most of the time. I was so glad Ryan asked Mitch to come in to cover for our missing guitarist four yeas ago. But now Mitch was stuck with me. 

     I didn't see her during the performance but I knew where she was sitting. I caught myself looking up to where she was more than I thought acceptable and I hoped no one noticed. I wasn't sure what she was doing to me but I knew I liked it. I entered the stadium from the floor level and looked up to where she was. Sure enough there she was. But she looked strange. Her body crooked sideways. What was she doing? I walked towards her reaching the stairs up to her. I looked at her and chuckled. 

     She didn't get much sleep the night before with all the flying and everything. She must have been exhausted. I looked down on her sleeping in her seat. He had both seats down and she was laying across them with her head on her arm. Her golden-brown hair falling across her face. She looked relaxed. So much so I didn't want to wake her. I leaned down sliding my arms under her body. 

     "Come on, Princess," I whispered into her ear as I picked her up as softly as I could, as to not wake her. I rounded the corner and Jeff was standing with George. When I came into view they both smiled at me and laughed at DJ in my arms. 

     "She fell asleep?" Jeff asked a chuckle on his lips.

     "Yeah in her seat. I'm not sure how that was comfortable," I said adjusting my grip on her. She wasn't hard to carry, by any means, she was just not a relaxed sleeper. She kept fidgeting as if she was having wild dreams. 

     "Shall we get her back to the hotel?" George asked pointing out the doors to where the car was parked. 

     "Yes let's go. Good night Jeff," I said looking back to Jeff.

     "Goodnight Harold. Hey! Don't forget to be on the bus by noon. You wanted to take our time getting to Toronto so DJ had time to take it all in, so we are leaving earlier than we normally would," Jeff said, reminding me about my plan to stop many times along our journey.

     "Yes, of course. Thanks for everything Jeff." I continued walking to the car but I couldn't help but watch DJ and the way she breathed while she was asleep. George was waiting by the car the door open. I wasn't sure how I was going to do this but I knew I didn't want to wake her just yet.

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