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Harry's POV

I felt the blush rise on my face as I shook my head, stepping out of the bathroom and stepping towards Harry. "Let's not talk about this anymore," I said as Harry began to make any last adjustments to the suit.

"Oh come on Harry, it's cute seeing you blush. You really like her," Sarah said with a chuckle.

"Are you making fun of me over there, Sarah?" I asked looking at her from the corner of my eye, while Harry fixed my collar.

"No. I am just happy for you. It's about time you found someone good." I couldn't help the smile that made it's way to my face. I was glad I found her too. I felt like this was the first time I was finally feeling what home could feel like.

"Okay you are all good," Harry said. I nodded turning and heading back into the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" Jeff asked from where he was seated.

"I am changing," I said pulling of the suit and hanging it back on the hanger.

"Why? You go on in just a few hours."

"I am going to go get DJ." I walked out of the bathroom suit in hand, handing it back to Harry.

"Harold," Jeff said rolling his eyes and a chuckle.

"I'll be right back. It is fine. There is time. I'll be right back," I said pulling out my phone to text DJ again. The strange feeling that something was wrong was still in the pit of my stomach and I couldn't help the worry in my chest. I had never really felt this way before and it was making me feel uncomfortable in my skin.


I slowly pushed open the door of the Starbucks, expecting to see DJ there but as I looked around she was no where in sight. I walked up to the counter, hoping she really did come here and someone seen her.

"Excuse me?" I said to the man behind the counter.

"I will be with you in just," he started but then paused when he looked up seeing me, " a second."

"That is fine, thank you." The man nodded. I pulled out my phone again, sending DJ another text. I knew she wasn't going to see any of these but I couldn't help but send them. It made me feel like I was at least doing something. I went into my photos pulling open the photo I snuck of DJ while on our hike, the few days prior.

"Sorry about that what can I get for, uhm, you?" The man stuttered out.

"Well actually, You haven't by chance seen her have you? I was told she was coming here but here, she is not," I said holding my phone out to him. He looked at the photo and then nodded.

"Yeah she was here about an hour ago actually. She got a water and sat down for a moment but left pretty quickly. I'm not sure where she went after that, sorry." My stomach dropped. She hadn't been there for an hour. Even if Jeff didn't stop me from coming when I originally wanted to, she still wouldn't have been here. But where was she?

"Thank you," I said flashing him a smile and turned to leave.

"Uhm, I am sorry to bother you, but can I take a photo with you?" A small voice came from behind me, as I reached the door. My heart was racing but I took a deep breath shoving my feelings into my stomach. Replacing what I figured was a worried look on my face with a smile before turning around. She was a younger girl, maybe twelve or thirteen. An older woman who I assumed was her mother stood behind her, a huge smile on her face.

"Of course, no bother at all. What's your name?" I asked, motioning for her to come stand closer.

"Clara. I am seeing your show tonight. I can't believe I am meeting you right now. I love you so much," she squeaked out. She was visibly shaking. I pulled her in with a squeeze around the shoulders.

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