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"Okay I'll send someone you weirdo," Harry said through the phone with a chuckle. He seemed okay and not mad at me but he was also on stage. He was preforming. He pulled the phone away from himself and moved to hand it back to it's owner. I couldn't see him anymore but I heared him say, "Give me one second," before I wove goodbye and hung up. I stood placing my phone back in my pocket and moving back towards the door. As I walked up, the security gaurd from before stared me down.

"Do you have a ticket now?" She asked me as I walked towards her.

"No. I don't need one," I said shaking my head.

"Ma'am-" she started.

"DJ," George said coming out from a 'STAFF ONLY' door in the corner.

"George," I said as the woman turned to look at him. He came up and stood next to her.

"I am sorry. She is with Harry," he said placing a hand on my shoulder. I smiled at her and then looked to George. She nodded and moved so I could pass by her. George turned leading the way and I quickly followed behind.

"Thank you George. I am so sorry you had to come get me. I don't think this is the first time I'll be saying this, but you deserve so much more," I said as I moved to be walking next to him through the hall. He looked down on me with a smile.

"Don't worry about it kiddo. But tell me are you alright?" His brown hair had a light peppering of grey and for some that made me feel safe. He felt more like a dad to me then my own father did.

"I am okay. A lot happened today but that doesn't matter. What matters right now is, we need to get you a girlfriend. Please! You deserve someone as good as you!" George looked at me with raised eyebrows. I knew it was a weird thing to say but he was one of the best people I knew and everyone needs a person.

"I am not sure how my wife would feel about me getting a girlfriend. Thank you for the thought though," he said with a chuckle. My eyes shot directly to his hand. I hadn't noticed and he never spoke of her. Not that we talked about his personal life at all.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know," I said my eyes still on his ringless hand. He raised his hand turning it over so I could see the inside of it.

"How could you? We arent the type to wear rings so we both got each others initials tattooed instead." I peared down at his hand noticing the EMR on the inside of his ring finger.

"E M R?" I asked. He pulled his hand back and opened the door to the green room.

"Emily Marie Rodgers," he said holding the door open for me. I stepped past him into the room but turned back towards him.

"Uhm, would you stay with me George?" I didn't want to be alone. "I mean only if you can. Don't go out of your way for me." George just continued to smile at me as he stepped into the room and took a seat on the arm of the couch.

"DJ, don't worry about it. You need to stop worrying about everything. You will grow up and get worry wrinkles. Not that wrinkles are bad but why let them be worry ones." That put a smile on my face. He was right though. I was always worried about something.

"Your right, I'm sorry."

"Hey! Quite apologizing for everything. Take some of the responsibilty off of your self." Who needs a therapist when they have a George.

"Okay okay you're right I'm so-" George shot a look at me stopping me in my tracks. "So what does Emily have on her hand?"

"G A R."

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