Chapter 3: Black or Classic White?

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You groan in defeat.

You have been staring at the wall for a whole hour now rethinking about your life choices and past decisions. The structure made of cement tempted you to come and ram your head multiple times in frustration and embarassment. It was taunting you, really, and you wanted to punch it, or to slam your face into it.

Both ways are fine to you right now.

"Why did I even open my mouth?" You raise a hand and slap it, "Stupid mouth! Stupid mouth! Stupid mouth!"

Ever since the incident between you, the staff and Mr. Kim, almost everyone in the vicinity gave you looks of either of the admiration, surprise, and disgust. To be honest, you didn't mind. It gave a sense of pride and confidence, and you feel like you were the underdog who  won the final battle. Yes, you didn't give a damn about their reactions, at first.

Take note at the 'at first' .

News travel fast, but gossip travels faster. Within minutes, the whole company knew of what you've done. Their eyes were on you the whole time as you log out of the company, and you've never felt more uncomfortable and uneasy in your 27 years of living. You felt like an innocent prey, stared down by vicious and merciless predators.

Fortunately, as fast as it came, gossip dies down quickly. It's best if you lie low for a while, take a vacation or something, and once you've returned...they're talking about other co-worker's or co-model's dating scandals or whatever.

It was the perfect plan. Newfound hope starts to build up in your chest and your shoulders feel lighter than before. "That's it! I'll just contact Jiyeon-unnie and ask for a leave!"

You clutch your phone and search for her contact number. "Please answer, please answer, please answer, please answer." You chant repeatedly like a broken record, your eyes closed in anticipation.

After a few rings, a voice startles you. "Hyerim! What do you need? Do you want anything? Is there something wrong?"

"I was wondering if I can take a vacation for about...a week or two? My—"


With just one word, your perfect plan crumbles into nothingness.

You open your mouth in retaliation, but she interrupts you.

"No, you're not sick. Your legs are perfectly healthy. You don't even have pink eye. Your arms aren't fractured. You're the most cautious person that I know of, so don't try to make an excuse that involves falling, tripping or stumbling. Honestly, Hyerim-ah, I've been working with you for years. I know what you're planning to do."

You close your mouth.

"This is a good thing to your career, you can get more exposure. Besides, it's not like you did anything wrong to the CEO."

"But still," you whine, "his fans are ruthless! ruthless I tell you! I don't want anything to do with them!"

Kim Taehyung, VANTE's founder and current CEO, was once part of the biggest boyband in the world: BTS. Up 'til now, even though he'd retired from the idol life and started his own modeling company, his fans still support him. Their determination is on another level, you recall, as you see the flood of posters and messages of encouragement when the company had reached it's first anniversary.

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