Chapter 2: Instagram, Instagram again.

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Jeongguk burps for the umpteenth time, patting his stomach in satisfaction. He looks at the wide array of junkfood and soda that he prepared with much consideration. Many aspects should be assesed properly, for example: cheese nachos go perfectly with coke, the tanginess and sweet pop of cola blending in perfect harmony and salty chips and chocolate create an unforgettable synergy.

In order to truly enjoy eating, one must learn the fundamentals of combos in food.

"This is the life," he sighs contentedly, and slumps even more to his couch. "I miss this..."

He reminisced about the times where he would lay around, eating his junkfoods, beverages. Heck, he'd probably cook his signature ramen later. His hyungs would join him and they would play games or go outside and have beer while they talk about life. He'd always say that he was thankful to them, and they'd reply back they're thankful too and that they wouldn't trade this for the world.

His heart hurts in a way he's too familiar with, and he instantly tries to quell it down. No, I'm here to enjoy this day, not to take a trip down memory lane.

"Maybe I'll make ramen..." he trails off but his eyes spot his phone, and his eyes lit up in realization, "I'll just talk to my fans!"

Like a kid waiting for candy, he grabs the device and quickly goes to Instagram. The logo greets him like always and he smiles widely when his account appears. He goes to the camera figure at the left side and checks his face on screen. "Wow, I am handsome." He cheekily winks at his own self, "I wanna take you out on a date, what a man."

He runs a hand through his hair and swipes until he reaches the live setting, clicking the record button. Holding in a grin, he decided to prank his fans, motionlessly sitting up on his couch.

Immediately, his fans come rushing in. Countless messages greets his vision and once he read that one fan is 'crying because the drought is over', that was when he broke in fits of giggles. "Hi everyone, did you miss me?" the comments doubled in amount and he beams in happiness, "I miss you too~ My schedule has been busy lately, so I didn't have time to take a rest."

Kookieismybaby: my baby!! i miss you!!
JKforever: please do so!! i don't want you to overwork yourself! stay healthy!
Ggukie97: ^^^
MyEuphoria: i love you i love you i love you i love you i love you
LilylovesJungkook: the visuals aAAAAAA
Seagull_69: barefaced jungkook is a blessing everybody say THANK YOU JUNGKOOK

He scans their messages as quick as he can, but one particular comment caught his attention.

Bangtanluvs: Jungkook-ah! Do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend right now?

"No. I don't have a girlfriend or a boyfriend," He heard himself say almost automatically. Flashing an awkward smile at the camera, he gently explains, "I don't really think I have the time for those type of relationships. Besides, many people wouldn't like it if I start to date someone."

Ggukie97: ^^ what she/he said
MyEuphoria: Why does everyone want our baby to date? Let him the one to decide that. Don't push your opinions to him if it makes him feel awkward and uncomfortable.
JKforever: Your hyungs have already settled down, don't you want to rest too? It's not that I'm forcing you or anything
JKforever: but if you want to rest now and you want to experience that, I will wholeheartedly support you...
Kookiekooks: Dating someone or not, it's okay to me Jungkook! I will still support you because you deserve all the love in the world!!
LilylovesJungkook: I'm torn I don't want him to have a special someone yet but at the same time I want him to be happy and experience a new kind of love that we can't give him no matter how much we try to
Bangtanluvs: the comments above me made me feel so emotional i stan the right fandom

A frown etched on his face, he tries to show them the fondest look he can muster. "It's okay everyone, I don't need to start a relationship to be happy. I have you guys, my family and my friends. And I think that's enough for me."

Before it can even go any deeper, Jeongguk tries to change the topic. He gives a quick tour around his surroundings and tells everyone what was he up to previously. He had missed this, talking and conversing to his fans. Along with his family and friends, they were the ones who gave him strength to look forward and continue to the path that he needed to follow.

He was lucky that he has them by his side, and is always grateful for the bond that they had formed together. Scratch that, they weren't just his fans. They were more than that.

They were a part of his family.

After a few interactions here and there, he finally decides to say goodbye. "As much as I would love to stay and continue, I want to have time for myself too." He cups the both of his cheeks with his hands and moves his head cutely, "Please understand Jungkookie~"

The comment section exploded.

Chuckling at how one fan commented that he/she was threw her phone across the room, causing a huge crack to appear. May your phone rest in peace, he cringes, wondering what would he have done if his phone was such in a state.

He'd most likely scream in rage.

Then immediately go to the nearest phone repair store.

And then scream some more.

Seagull_69: guys is Jungkook still working
Kookiekooks: Jungkook.exe has crashed
LilylovesJungkook: Ah, a new collection to the compilation of 'is Jungkook even human?'
Jkforever: Jungkook malfunctioning is me whenever I take an exam
Bangtanluvs: Jungkook malfunctioning is me every time I wake up in the morning
Ggukie97: someone should turn off and on his switch again
MyEuphoria: iM WHEEZING 💀💀💀

Realizing that he had been staring off the distance for too long, he apologetically looks at the camera again. So much for the chic image that he had. "I'll go now! Take care guys and stay healthy! I love you all!" blowing an kiss, he stops the recording, exits the app, and tosses the phone beside him.

It goes down with a plop! and his eyes turn to look at the unfinished bag of chips and takes it with one hand, the other finding it's way inside the container. Dipping one chip in the chocolate bowl he prepred, he munches it slowly, savoring the flavor. "Whoever discovered this combination, I love you."

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"No matter how many times I watch this movie, the soundtrack always gets to me."

Jeongguk stares in awe as he sings along to one of the most iconic love songs he had ever heard, "...lets me know that you need me, there's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me." he slowly raises both of his hands and interwines them. "The touch of your hand says you'll catch me wherever I fall."

"You say it best, when you say nothing at all..." he finishes with a dreamy sigh, his hands going to his chest. "Why am I sucker for romantic comedies?"

One look at the screen again is all that it took for him to grin from ear to ear. "Because they're cheesy. In a good way."

Don't take it the wrong way, Jeongguk isn't ready to form such connections with someone yet. But that doesn't mean that he didn't like imagining scenarios inside his head, of what it would be like if he fell in love. Finding the person who'll stand beside him through thick and thin, make him experience emotions that no one else can, and the one who makes him feel complete.

Meh, he'll wait.

Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong! Ding Dong!

The man furrows his eyebrows, "Who could that be?" he wonders aloud and he glances at the little monitor to see who the unexpected guest was. His eyes widened once he realized who was the person's identity.

"Jeunggukie! Let me in!"

Jeongguk walks away.

"I brought food!"

Jeongguk stops.

"It's jjajangmyeon!"

Jeongguk opens the door, and all of his perfect glory, stood his Tae-hyung, smiling as he raises the container.

"Did you miss me, Jeongguk-ah?"

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