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An hour before Dinner, Steve and Thor went back to the cabin to get some stuff that I might need. They didn't want me to come with them just in case Loki was waiting for me so I stayed to help Clint cook dinner.

We didn't have sheep because Tulip bleats/threatened Tony. So instead, we're having mashed potatoes and chicken.

Thor and Steve came back with some stuff from my cabin. They even brought Tulip's blanket.

While Clint and I cooked dinner, Steve and Tony played another round of Checkers. Bruce, Natasha and Thor watched. Thor had his hammer and Natasha had Tulip sitting in her lap.

"Thor, get your hammer ready", Tony says as Steve takes one of his Checker pieces off the board for the 6th time.

"Sorry, Stark, but that was an accident", Thor says, with a grin.

"Please, Point Break", Tony begged. I looked at Thor and Tony in confusion.

"Point Break?", I asked.

"Stark has a nickname for almost everyone he meets", Clint explained. "Thor's nickname is Point Break".

"What's everyone else's nickname", I asked.

"Legolas", Clint says.

"Capsicle", Steve says, raising his hand like it was school.

"What's Nat and Banner's nickname", I asked.

"Bruce is Shrek", Tony jokes.

"Shut up, Tony", Bruce says.

"And Nat doesn't have a nickname because if she did, she'd kill me", Tony explains.

"Yeah, I would", Natasha agrees.

"Do you have a nickname, Tony", I asked.

"Yeah. Everyone knows it as-" Tony cuts off to let everyone finish.

"Genius, Billionaire, Playboy,  Philanthropist", All six Avengers said at the same time. I nodded, obviously impressed.

"What's my nickname", I asked.

"Death glare", Tony says. I glare at him. "See", Tony says to the Avengers, pointing at me. What does he mean "see"? Yeah, I glared, but he ain't dead.

"What about Deadly Emerald", I asked. Tony looks up like he's thinking about. Then, he nods.

"Impressive. I now have a replacement for the nicknaming career", he says to me with a smile.

When dinner was ready, I looked at the table where the Avengers were sitting, ready to eat. I took a shaky breath.

"What's wrong", Clint asks me. The rest of the Avengers turned their attention to me and Clint.

"This is my first dinner with a group of people. It's usually just Me and Tulip", I admitted.

"You let your pet sheep eat at the dinner table?" Tony asked, earning a punch in the arm from Natasha.

"Ow", he said.

"There's no need to be nervous, August. Think of us as your family", Clint says.

I thought about it for a moment. Did he just

"Family?" I asked. Clint nodded. I wrapped my arms around Clint and sobbed. No one has ever said "Think of us as your family" to me before.

After I had calmed down, Clint and I served dinner. Then, I sat down next to Clint and Steve. It was a nice first family dinner.

It was really easy to think of the Avengers as family. After all they've done for me, they seemed like family to me. Even though I haven't spent much time in the tower.They were more of a family than my father, who abandoned and became a horrible person, but when we had dinner, I didn't think of that.

I thought about how me and Tulip were no longer alone, about how lucky I was to be with this family and how I finally found a place where I felt like I belong.

The Girl With A Sheep( A Loki's daughter Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now